• osteocyte apoptosis is increased
• mice exhibit a narrow dental follicle invaded by bone unlike control mice
• mice exhibit an irregular mineralization front and unevenly mineralized dentin compared with control mice
• mice exhibit a widened predentin layer
• mice exhibit impaired root formation
• enlarged radiolucent growth plates in hind limbs
• collagen fibrils are decreased, short, and in loose clusters that lack lamellar structures
• decreased marrow space associated with osteopetrosis
• intramedullary trabeculae and poorly demarcated cortical bone from the marrow cavity
• cortical bone is interrupted by marrow elements and displays variable matrix density, randomly scattered osteocytes, and irregularly distributed osteoblasts
• osteoblasts are disorganized with loss of polarity, progressive flattening, focal detachment, loss from trabecular, and abnormal entrapment in matrix compared to in control mice
• irregularly shaped and abnormally clustered within lacunar spaces
• osteocyte maturation is impaired
• deformed osteocytes with very few dendrites and a significant reduction in the overall density of the dendrite network
• osteocyte lacunae are disorganized, decreased in number, and have rough walls
• intramedullary trabeculae and poorly demarcated cortical bone from the marrow cavity
• bone trabecular contain prominent cartilage cores extending into the marrow cavity
• slightly
• ostepoetrosis and micropetrosis
• in long bones
• mice exhibit increased unmineralized bone matrix compared with control mice
immune system
• in the spleen and peripheral blood
• decreased B cells in the spleen
• increased T cells in the spleen
• in the spleen
• 3 times in all hematopoietic tissues
• the number of CD11b+Gr1+ cells is increased in the bone marrow and spleen compared to in control mice
• myeloid cells are increased 2-fold in the bone marrow compared with control mice
• however, mice exhibit normal numbers of Cd11b+ myeloid cells in the peripheral blood
• reduced in the centrilobular region
• in the peripheral blood
• in the dental pulp and other tissues including liver, spleen, lung, skin (both dermal macrophages and epidermal Langerhans cells), colon, kidney (in the cortex and medulla), testes (adjacent to Leydig cells), uterus, adipose tissue, synovium (along the synovial lining), tendon, thymus, and bone (periosteal and adjacent to osteoblasts lining the endosteal surface)
• in the peripheral blood
small spleen
• 1.4-fold
• mice exhibit a narrow dental follicle invaded by bone unlike control mice
• mice exhibit an irregular mineralization front and unevenly mineralized dentin compared with control mice
• mice exhibit a widened predentin layer
• mice exhibit impaired root formation
• mice exhibit a narrow dental follicle invaded by bone unlike control mice
• mice exhibit an irregular mineralization front and unevenly mineralized dentin compared with control mice
• mice exhibit a widened predentin layer
• mice exhibit impaired root formation
cardiovascular system
• reduced in the centrilobular region
• osteocyte apoptosis is increased
liver/biliary system
• reduced in the centrilobular region
hematopoietic system
• 15-fold reduction in total cells
• in the spleen and peripheral blood
• decreased B cells in the spleen
• increased T cells in the spleen
• in the spleen
• 3 times in all hematopoietic tissues
• the number of CD11b+Gr1+ cells is increased in the bone marrow and spleen compared to in control mice
• myeloid cells are increased 2-fold in the bone marrow compared with control mice
• however, mice exhibit normal numbers of Cd11b+ myeloid cells in the peripheral blood
• reduced in the centrilobular region
• in the peripheral blood
• in the dental pulp and other tissues including liver, spleen, lung, skin (both dermal macrophages and epidermal Langerhans cells), colon, kidney (in the cortex and medulla), testes (adjacent to Leydig cells), uterus, adipose tissue, synovium (along the synovial lining), tendon, thymus, and bone (periosteal and adjacent to osteoblasts lining the endosteal surface)
• in the peripheral blood
small spleen
• 1.4-fold