• most mice die around P20 for unknown reasons
nervous system
N |
• mice exhibit normal granule and cone cell proliferation
• at P6 in the dentate gyrus and cortex
• at P6
• at P6 and 2 months of age, but not P1
• dentate granule cells exhibit aberrant outgrowth of mossy fibers into CA3 compared with wild-type cells
• however, transfection of retina with an adenovirus expressing a short-hairpin RNA targeting Lhx2 rescues dentate gyrus axon phenotype
• mislocalized
• mice exhibit a reduction in cone cells compared with wild-type mice
• however, transfection of retina with an adenovirus expressing a short-hairpin RNA targeting Lhx2 rescues cone cell reduction
• at P3
• mislocalized
• mice exhibit a reduction in cone cells compared with wild-type mice
• however, transfection of retina with an adenovirus expressing a short-hairpin RNA targeting Lhx2 rescues cone cell reduction
• reduced amplitude
• at 4 and 5 months of age
• at P6 in the dentate gyrus and cortex
• at P3