• mean survival is 54 weeks (median 66 weeks) with cardiorespiratory insufficiency
reproductive system
• male mice exhibit normal spermatogenesis
• male mice exhibit reduced fertility due to muscle defects
• increased in size compared to in Mtm1tm1.1Jman homozygotes
• at 3 months, pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles exhibit numerous small fibers with central nuclei unlike in wild-type mice
• at 1, 2 and 9 months in skeletal muscles
• at 3 months, pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles exhibit numerous small fibers with central nuclei unlike in wild-type mice
• quadriceps, gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, and triceps
• less severe than in Mtm1tm1.1Jman homozygotes
• starting at 2 months of age
• when fed a high-fat diet
• when fed a high-fat diet
cardiovascular system
• mice die due to cardiorespiratory insufficiency
• when fed a high-fat diet
liver/biliary system
• mice exhibit normal liver morphology
respiratory system
• mice die due to cardiorespiratory insufficiency
• towards end of life
• mice do not exhibit reduced grip strength, hypoactivity or reduced rearing as in Mtm1tm1.1Jman homozygotes
• shuffling
• chirp-like noise related to respiratory activity
• increased in size compared to in Mtm1tm1.1Jman homozygotes