endocrine/exocrine glands
• embryos show an increase in Neurog3+ve cells at E9.5; by E10.5, an increase in glucagon+ve cells is seen
• at E15.5, the insulin +ve area of the pancreatic tissue is reduced by 65% compared to control embryos similar to the dnMaml-expressing embryos
• some DBA+ve cells are observed in E18.5 embryos
• proximal-distal patterning is altered in the embryonic pancreas; at E15.5, Nkx6-1+ve, Ptf1a-ve cells are reduced in the proximal domain by 85% while Hnf1b and DBA+ve cells are reduced in number with a concurrent increase in Nkx6-1-ve, Ptf1a+ve cells as well as Cpa+ve and amylase +ve cells
• Nkx6-1 and Ptf1a double-positive cells are observed in significant numbers
• at E12.5, Nkx6-1+ve Ptf1a-ve are present, but reduced in numbers by 50% compared to controls along with no increase in Nkx6-1-ve Ptf1a+ve cells
• at E15.5, the insulin +ve area of the pancreatic tissue is reduced by 65% compared to control embryos
• at E15.5, the insulin +ve area of the pancreatic tissue is reduced by 65% compared to control embryos