immune system
• tamoxifen-treated mice exhibit functionally active NK T cells
• following exposure to NP-KLH with alpha-GalCer, germinal center B cells from tamoxifen-treated mice fail to exhibit an increase in numbers unlike in wild-type mice
• tamoxifen-treated mice exhibit reduced late primary antibody response on transfer of OT-II CD4+ T cells compared with wild-type
• following immunization with NP-KLH and alpha-GalCer, tamoxifen-treated mice exhibit reduced NP-specific IgG that is more severe than in Sh2d1atm1Cpt homozygotes
• following exposure to NP-KLH with alpha-GalCer, tamoxifen treated mice produce less anti-NP-IgM compared with wild-type mice
hematopoietic system
• following exposure to NP-KLH with alpha-GalCer, germinal center B cells from tamoxifen-treated mice fail to exhibit an increase in numbers unlike in wild-type mice
• following immunization with NP-KLH and alpha-GalCer, tamoxifen-treated mice exhibit reduced NP-specific IgG that is more severe than in Sh2d1atm1Cpt homozygotes
• following exposure to NP-KLH with alpha-GalCer, tamoxifen treated mice produce less anti-NP-IgM compared with wild-type mice