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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Michel C Nussenzweig
Summary 1 genotype
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Zbtb46tm1(HBEGF)Mnz/Zbtb46+ C57BL/6-Zbtb46tm1(HBEGF)Mnz MGI:5444880

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Zbtb46tm1(HBEGF)Mnz mutation (1 available); any Zbtb46 mutation (36 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• diphtheria-treated bone marrow chimeras exhibit normal numbers of NK cells and splenic red pulp macrophages
• diphtheria toxin-treated chimeras infected with L. monocytogenes exhibit normal numbers of activated monocytes compared with control mice
• diphtheria-treated mice exhibit normal numbers of F4/80+ red pulp macrophages, CD169+ marginal zone macrophages and lymph node subscapular sinus macrophages
• diphtheria toxin-treated bone marrow chimeras exhibit increased numbers of splenic Ly6G+ neutrophils compared with controls
• absence of classical dendritic cells in diphtheria toxin-treated bone marrow chimeras
• partial loss of CD11chiMHCII+ dendritic cells of the small intestine lamina propria of diphtheria toxin-treated bone marrow chimeras
• reduced Lin-CD11chi classical dendritic cells in diphtheria-treated T. gondii-infected bone marrow chimeras
• however, plasmacytoid cell numbers are normal in diphtheria toxin-treated bone marrow chimeras
• small increase in diphtheria toxin-treated bone marrow chimeras
• reduced IFNgamma+ CD3+CD4+ T cells in diphtheria toxin-treated bone marrow chimeras immunized with either alpha-DEC-205-GAGp24 or alpha-Treml4-GAGp24, or infected with T. gondii
• diphtheria toxin-treated bone marrow chimeras exhibit reduced antitumor memory response compared with control mice that is not as severe as in Tg(Itgax-DTR/EGFP)57Lan hemizygotes
• diphtheria toxin-treated chimeras infected with L. monocytogenes exhibit fewer activated monocytes compared with control mice
• mice treated with diphtheria toxin and LPS fail to accumulate CD11c+MHCII+CD14+DEC-205- and CD11c+MHCII+DC-SIGN/CD209+CD14+ cells in the skin lymph nodes unlike control mice
• however, diphtheria toxin-treated chimeras infected with L. monocytogenes exhibit normal numbers of activated monocytes compared with control mice
• diphtheria toxin-treated mice infected with T. gondii exhibit decreased IFNgamma+ CD3+CD4+ T cells and increased parasitic burden compared with controls that is not as severe as in Tg(Itgax-DTR/EGFP)57Lan hemizygotes

hematopoietic system
• diphtheria toxin-treated bone marrow chimeras exhibit increased numbers of splenic Ly6G+ neutrophils compared with controls
• absence of classical dendritic cells in diphtheria toxin-treated bone marrow chimeras
• partial loss of CD11chiMHCII+ dendritic cells of the small intestine lamina propria of diphtheria toxin-treated bone marrow chimeras
• reduced Lin-CD11chi classical dendritic cells in diphtheria-treated T. gondii-infected bone marrow chimeras
• however, plasmacytoid cell numbers are normal in diphtheria toxin-treated bone marrow chimeras
• small increase in diphtheria toxin-treated bone marrow chimeras
• reduced IFNgamma+ CD3+CD4+ T cells in diphtheria toxin-treated bone marrow chimeras immunized with either alpha-DEC-205-GAGp24 or alpha-Treml4-GAGp24, or infected with T. gondii
• diphtheria toxin-treated bone marrow chimeras exhibit reduced antitumor memory response compared with control mice that is not as severe as in Tg(Itgax-DTR/EGFP)57Lan hemizygotes

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory