reproductive system
• female mice are fertile with normal ovary morphology
• incomplete synapsis in pachytene oocytes of fetal females
• more pachytene spermatocytes contain one or a few chromosomes pairs with incomplete synapsis than in wild-type mice
• pachytene spermatocytes rarely exhibit a typical sex body unlike in wild-type mice
• disruption of meiotic sex chromosome inactivation in spermatocytes
• sex body formation in spermatocyte is impaired
• confined to the stage IV seminiferous tubule
small testis
• incomplete synapsis in pachytene oocytes of fetal females
• more pachytene spermatocytes contain one or a few chromosomes pairs with incomplete synapsis than in wild-type mice
• pachytene spermatocytes rarely exhibit a typical sex body unlike in wild-type mice
• disruption of meiotic sex chromosome inactivation in spermatocytes
• sex body formation in spermatocyte is impaired
• confined to the stage IV seminiferous tubule
endocrine/exocrine glands
small testis