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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 37, Peter Mombaerts
Summary 1 genotype
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Or8a1tm37(Or10j5*,Gnas*)Mom/Or8a1+ B6;129P2-Or8a1tm37(Or10j5*,Gnas*)Mom/MomJ MGI:5788666

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Mouse lines carrying:
Or8a1tm37(Or10j5*,Gnas*)Mom mutation (1 available); any Or8a1 mutation (69 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• despite the change in G-protein usage, the substitution of coding sequence causes axons of olfactory sensory neurons expressing this allele to project to an area anterior of where OLFR151 axons normally project to an area where OLFR16 axons usually project, consistent with the expressed receptor determining axonal identity
• although expression of consitutively active GNAS restores the axonal projections to the bulb in these DRY mutant motif receptors, there are fewer than normal olfactory sensory neurons surviving that express this allele, and glomerular formation is therefore inefficient
• performated patch-clamp recordings of 17 olfactory sensory neurons expressing this allele found only 13 responded to IBMX+forskolin and none responded to lyral, acetopohenone, or a mixture of odorants that normally activates 66% of randomly patched olfactory sensory neurons, showing that basal signalling of the olfactory receptor is required for spontaneous olfactory sensory neuron spiking

• despite the change in G-protein usage, the substitution of coding sequence causes axons of olfactory sensory neurons expressing this allele to project to an area anterior of where OLFR151 axons normally project to an area where OLFR16 axons usually project, consistent with the expressed receptor determining axonal identity
• although expression of consitutively active GNAS restores the axonal projections to the bulb in these DRY mutant motif receptors, there are fewer than normal olfactory sensory neurons surviving that express this allele, and glomerular formation is therefore inefficient

• despite the change in G-protein usage, the substitution of coding sequence causes axons of olfactory sensory neurons expressing this allele to project to an area anterior of where OLFR151 axons normally project to an area where OLFR16 axons usually project, consistent with the expressed receptor determining axonal identity
• although expression of consitutively active GNAS restores the axonal projections to the bulb in these DRY mutant motif receptors, there are fewer than normal olfactory sensory neurons surviving that express this allele, and glomerular formation is therefore inefficient

nervous system
• despite the change in G-protein usage, the substitution of coding sequence causes axons of olfactory sensory neurons expressing this allele to project to an area anterior of where OLFR151 axons normally project to an area where OLFR16 axons usually project, consistent with the expressed receptor determining axonal identity
• although expression of consitutively active GNAS restores the axonal projections to the bulb in these DRY mutant motif receptors, there are fewer than normal olfactory sensory neurons surviving that express this allele, and glomerular formation is therefore inefficient

respiratory system
• despite the change in G-protein usage, the substitution of coding sequence causes axons of olfactory sensory neurons expressing this allele to project to an area anterior of where OLFR151 axons normally project to an area where OLFR16 axons usually project, consistent with the expressed receptor determining axonal identity
• although expression of consitutively active GNAS restores the axonal projections to the bulb in these DRY mutant motif receptors, there are fewer than normal olfactory sensory neurons surviving that express this allele, and glomerular formation is therefore inefficient

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory