• although mice are grossly normal, those born into litters of 7 or more display compromised survival
• olfactory glomerular structures and axon bundles are somewhat altered
• 15 odorants tested including the pheromones 2-heptanone, DMP, and TMT
• "electro-olfactogram" response to all odorants is significantly diminished
• TEA response becomes positive rather than the typical negative
• mice deprived of food for 1 day take 518 seconds to find a buried food pellet scented with peanut butter whereas controls take 26-27 seconds
• all mice find the pellet rapidly when placed on the surface of the bedding
nervous system
• 15 odorants tested including the pheromones 2-heptanone, DMP, and TMT
• "electro-olfactogram" response to all odorants is significantly diminished
• TEA response becomes positive rather than the typical negative
respiratory system
• 15 odorants tested including the pheromones 2-heptanone, DMP, and TMT
• "electro-olfactogram" response to all odorants is significantly diminished
• TEA response becomes positive rather than the typical negative