• reduced coalescence of Kirrel3 and Kirrel2-expressing vomeronasal sensory neuron axons in the posterior accessory olfactory bulb
nervous system
• reduced coalescence of Kirrel3 and Kirrel2-expressing vomeronasal sensory neuron axons in the posterior accessory olfactory bulb
• slightly larger glomeruli in some regions of the anterior accessory olfactory bulb
• malformed, larger and fewer glomeruli in the posterior accessory olfactory bulb
• however, the number of vomeronasal sensory neurons in the vomeronasal organ is normal
• loss of male-male aggression
• male mice respond sexually towards a male intruder mice
• reduced coalescence of Kirrel3 and Kirrel2-expressing vomeronasal sensory neuron axons in the posterior accessory olfactory bulb
respiratory system
• reduced coalescence of Kirrel3 and Kirrel2-expressing vomeronasal sensory neuron axons in the posterior accessory olfactory bulb
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• vomeronasal sensory neurons axons reach the accessory olfactory bulb and segregate accurately
• the function of the main olfactory system is normal with normal latency to find hidden food