• basisphenoid bone is hypoplastic in the duplicated mandible
• duplication of Meckel's cartilage in the duplicated mandible
• the squamosal bone is deformed in the duplicated mandible
• the duplicated mandible contains a duplicated Meckels cartilage, absent jugal and palatine bones, deformed squamosal bones, a hypoplastic basisphenoid bone and a palatal cleft
• transformation of the maxilla into a mandible-like structure that is fused with the mandible
• palatine bone is absent in the duplicated mandible
• jugal bone is absent in the duplicated mandible
cleft palate
• mice exhibit a large mid-facial cleft
digestive/alimentary system
cleft palate
cleft palate
• mice exhibit a large mid-facial cleft
• basisphenoid bone is hypoplastic in the duplicated mandible
• duplication of Meckel's cartilage in the duplicated mandible
• the squamosal bone is deformed in the duplicated mandible
• the duplicated mandible contains a duplicated Meckels cartilage, absent jugal and palatine bones, deformed squamosal bones, a hypoplastic basisphenoid bone and a palatal cleft
• transformation of the maxilla into a mandible-like structure that is fused with the mandible
• palatine bone is absent in the duplicated mandible
• jugal bone is absent in the duplicated mandible