• decreased numbers of entries and spend less time in the center of the open field
• in a beam walking test, the latency to cross the beam is increased in females
• decrease in average speed with no significant effect on distance travelled in an open field assay
• duck like gait in many mice
• many mice display lack of fluidity in movement and limping related to hyper-flexion followed by hyper-extension of one or both hind paws
• defects are first noted around P16-P17
• decrease in short term activity following transfer for a modified SHIRPA test
• withdrawal latency is increased for males in a hot plate assay
nervous system
• the proportion of Gad67+ cells is decreased by 16% at E18.5 in the dorsal horn indicating a defect in GABAergic differentiation
• females show increased sensory nerve conduction velocity at the level of the caudal nerve