• 20 month old mice show an increase in nocturnal food intake
• mice show higher physical activity during the dark time at 20 months of age, but not at 4 months of age, compared to controls
• in fasted female, but not male, mice
• in diet-restricted male mice, particularly in the dark phase
• increased food-anticipating activity in diet-restricted mice
• aged mice show higher delta power in non-REM sleep, suggesting better or deeper sleep than aged controls
• in fasted or diet-restricted mice
• rectal body temperature after ghrelin injection
• 20 month old mice show an increase in rectal body temperature
• 20 month old mice show a trend of increased energy expenditure during the dark time
• 20 month old mice show an increase in oxygen consumption
adipose tissue
• marker analysis indicates that brown adipose tissue activity is higher during the light time and lower during the dark time
• females and males show an approximate 16% and 9%, respectively, extension in median life span
• mice show a delay in age-associated mortality, however the slopes of age-associated mortality change defining the rate of ageing are normal
• mice show a delay in cancer-dependent death incidence, however the slopes of accumulating death incidents and the spectrum of cancers does not differ from controls
slow aging
• onset of age-associated physiological decline is delayed without affecting the rate of aging
• unlike in controls which show disturbed sarcomeres and abnormal mitochondria in skeletal muscle at 20 months of age, mutants show well organized sarcomeres and fewer abnormal mitochondria, as well as increased numbers of and smaller size of mitochondria
nervous system
• expression analysis suggests that neural activity in the dorsomedial and lateral hypothalamic nuclei is enhanced during the dark time of aged mutants