reproductive system
• severely reduced
• normal body weight
• increase in Grin1-induced calcium influx in cultured neurons
• normal visual acuity
• normal motor coordination on the rotarod and locomotor abilities in the home-cage environment as well as normal spatial learning and swimming ability
• more rapid acquisition but slower extinction
• better consolidated spatial memory in a Morris water maze
• in open field but not in elevated plus maze
• locomotor activity is significantly lower in the open field
nervous system
• normal paired-pulse facilitation in adult hippocampal slices
• normal long term potentiation and long term depression in 9- to 12-week-old adult hippocampal slices
• enlarge spine head at E18 with normal dendritic arborization
• width of the spine heads of pyramidal excitatory neurons is enlarged at E18
• increase in Grin1-induced calcium influx in cultured neurons
• paired-pulse low frequency stimulation induced LTD is enhanced in young (3-4 weeks of age) but not adult hippocampal slices