• normal Mendelian ratios are observed through E14.5, but all mutants are necrotic by E15.5; no living animals are present at weaning
cardiovascular system
• at E13.5, hearts display some coronary plexus formation near the base with significantly vessel decreased spreading towards the apex
• numbers of sub-epicardial endothelial cells are decreased by <90% at E13.5 compared to wild-type
• numbers of epicardial cells are not different from wild type at E13.5
• 3-fold fewer inner-myocardial endothelial cells are detected in mutant hearts at E13.5
• one third of E13.5 hearts display myocardial thinning (<2 SD from mean of wild-type)
• mutants show decreased ventricular thickness compared to wild-type
• at E13.5, myocardial proliferation is decreased compared to wild-type, contribution to the observed myocardial thinning
• hind limb polydactyly is observed in E14.5 embryos
• at E13.5, myocardial proliferation is decreased compared to wild-type, contribution to the observed myocardial thinning
• one third of E13.5 hearts display myocardial thinning (<2 SD from mean of wild-type)
• at E13.5, myocardial proliferation is decreased compared to wild-type, contribution to the observed myocardial thinning