nervous system
• decrease in the total thickness of the neocortex at P7
• distinct decrease in the thickness in the upper layer II/III-IV at P7
• decrease in the total size of the barrel cortex with a more pronounced loss of Rorb+ neurons at the medial age
• decrease in overall area and number of barrels in the posteriomedial barrel subfield
• disruption of individual barrel structures particularly within the anteriolateral barrel subfield
• decrease in the number of pH3+ intermediate progenitor cells in the subventricular zone at E15.5
• however, no change in the proliferation rate of apical progenitors is detected in the ventricular zone
• decrease in the number of callosal projection neurons in the cortex
• increase in the number of subcerebral projection neurons and corticothalamic projection neurons in the cortex
• noticeable at 3 weeks of age