• levels of sitosterol and campesterol are decreased in gallbladder as compared to controls
• decreased amount of cholesterol is excreted into the feces as compared to controls
• decreased amount of cholesterol is excreted into the bile as compared to controls
digestive/alimentary system
• fractional absorption of the phytosterols, sitosterol and campesterol, is increased
• levels of sitosterol and campesterol are decreased in gallbladder as compared to controls
• decreased amount of cholesterol is excreted into the feces as compared to controls
• decreased amount of cholesterol is excreted into the bile as compared to controls
• fractional absorption of the phytosterols, sitosterol and campesterol, is increased
• decreased cholesterol levels in bile, liver and enterocytes as compared to controls
• decreased levels of circulating cholesterol as compared to controls
• levels of sitosterol and campesterol are decreased in gallbladder as compared to controls
• increased levels of sitosterol and campesterol in liver as compared to controls
• increased levels of phytosterols in enterocytes
• mean plasma levels of sitosterol and campesterol are increased by 95-fold and 14-fold respectively, as compared to controls
• D4-sitostanol levels in plasma are increased as compared to controls
• D7-sitosterol levels in plasma are increased as compared to controls