• mutant males exhibit a significantly lower body weight than control males up to 3.5 months of age
• however, this difference is not visible after 4 months of age
weight loss
• after 24 or 48 hr starvation, 4-month-old males display a greater % of body weight loss than control mice
• despite a higher EE, mutant mice gain more weight on a HFD and show increased fat mass and liver and perigonadal WAT weight gains than control mice
• mutant mice display enlarged livers
• after 16 weeks on a high-fat diet (HFD; 60% calories from fat), mutant mice exhibit significantly larger livers than control mice
• mutant mice exhibit an increased liver weight relative to body weight
• time for recovery of the righting reflex after zoxazolamine-induced paralysis is significantly increased relative to controls, indicating decreased liver function
• on a regular chow diet, mutant mice exhibit reduced physical activity relative to control mice
• mice are unable to internalize and degrade select proteins by chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA)
• in vivo blockage of lysosomal proteolysis by i.p. injection of leupeptin revealed that GAPDH (a known CMA substrate) is no longer degraded in mutant liver lysosomes
• in contrast, lysosomal delivery and degradation of cytosolic proteins such as cyclophillin (a non-CMA substrate) is normal
• serum ALT levels are significantly increased, indicating hepatocyte damage
• after 16 weeks on a HFD, mice exhibit significantly greater serum ALT levels than control mice
• on a regular chow diet, mutant mice show significantly higher energy expenditure (EE) than control mice throughout a 24 hr cycle; however, no difference in food intake (meal number and size) is observed
• a HFD has a significantly smaller impact on lowering the EE in mutant mice relative to control mice
• after a 24 hr starvation, mutant mice exhibit a significantly higher EE than control mice during the day cycle
• fed mutant mice exhibit higher average values of CO2 production than control mice
• fed mutant mice exhibit higher average values of O2 consumption than control mice
• on a regular chow diet, mutant mice exhibit higher respiratory exchange ratio (RER) values than control mice during the 24 hr cycle
• mutant RER values remain higher than in controls during the first 6 hr of a 24 hr starvation period
• mutant livers exhibit higher lactate content and specific activity of glycolytic enzymes (GAPDH and PK), suggesting enhanced glycolysis
• in culture, primary hepatocytes from mutant mice show significantly higher basal glycolytic rates and maximal glycolytic capacity and higher levels of glycolytic enzymes relative to control hepatocytes; basal and maximal glycolytic capacity remains significantly higher than in controls even 24 hr after removal of serum from the culture media
• after a 24 hr starvation, levels of different glycolytic enzymes in mutant livers remain higher than in control livers
• after a 8 hr starvation (overnight fasting), mutant mice show a significant drop in blood glucose levels relative to control mice
• reduced blood glucose levels in response to short- and long-term fasting are noted even when mutant mice are fed a HFD
• lower blood glucose observed during starvation are not due to increased circulating insulin levels
• mutant mice display improved glucose tolerance even when placed on a HFD
• lower blood glucose observed during the glucose tolerance test are not due to increased circulating insulin levels
• biochemical analysis and PAS staining revealed a significant reduction of glycogen content in mutant livers
• following injection of a pyruvate bolus (converted into glucose in liver), overnight fasted mutant mice show a significantly smaller increase in blood glucose than controls, suggesting reduced hepatic gluconeogenesis
• mutant mice show a significant reduction in starvation-induced lysosomal degradation of liver enzymes related to lipid metabolism
• lysosomal degradation of some enzymes is also reduced even under fed conditions; accordingly, levels of many lipid metabolic enzymes are increased in mutant liver cytosolic fractions
• in culture, primary hepatocytes from mutant mice show increased content of enzymes involved in lipid metabolism and reduced lysosomal degradation of these enzymes
• although basal oxygen consumption rates are normal, mutant hepatocytes exhibit significantly reduced maximal mitochondrial respiratory capacity, fail to increase mitochondrial respiration in response to a lipogenic challenge and show lower rates of beta-oxidation in these conditions
• the VLDL secretion rate is significantly reduced in mutant livers
• after two i.p. injections of isoproterenol to induce peripheral lipolysis, mutant livers show a ~5-fold increase in TG content relative to control livers
• mutant mice exhibit lower basal levels of glycogen synthetase (GS)
• a higher percentage of GS is in an inactive phosphorylated state (pGS)
• however, GS is still efficiently activated, even at higher levels than in control mice, following stimulation of hepatic glycogenesis by insulin injection in overnight starved mice
liver/biliary system
• mutant mice display enlarged livers
• after 16 weeks on a high-fat diet (HFD; 60% calories from fat), mutant mice exhibit significantly larger livers than control mice
• mutant mice exhibit an increased liver weight relative to body weight
• biochemical analysis and PAS staining revealed a significant reduction of glycogen content in mutant livers
• after two i.p. injections of isoproterenol to induce peripheral lipolysis, mutant livers show a ~5-fold increase in TG content relative to control livers
• mutant hepatocytes contain an increased number and size of cytosolic lipid droplets (LDs), which become even more evident after starvation
• in the fed state, the major lipid species that accumulate in mutant livers are cholesterol esther and triacylglycerides (TG)
• after 24 hr of starvation, mutant livers also accumulate TG precursors, such as free fatty acids (FFAs) and diacylglycerol (DAG)
• after two i.p. injections of isoproterenol to induce peripheral lipolysis, mutant livers display more pronounced LD accumulation than control livers, with a ~5-fold increase in TG content, whereas cholesterol content remains unchanged
• after 16 weeks on a HFD, mutant livers exhibit more pronounced LD accumulation than control livers
pale liver
• mutant mice display discolored livers
• after 16 weeks on a HFD, mutant mice exhibit significantly paler livers than control mice
• mutant livers exhibit a switch from carbohydrate synthesis and storage to carbohydrate hydrolysis and utilization
• liver apoptosis is significantly increased, as shown by TUNEL analysis
• significant decline in liver function as early as 4 months of age, as shown by the increased clearance time of zoxazolamine (a muscle relaxant metabolized by the liver), in a zoxazolamine-induced paralysis time assay
adipose tissue
• after a 24 hr starvation, mutant mice show smaller adipocyte LDs in interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) than control mice
• after a 24 hr starvation, mutant mice show smaller adipocyte LDs in perigonadal WAT than control mice
• after a 24 hr starvation, mutant mice show reduced perigonadal white adipose tissue (WAT) weight than control mice
• fed mutants exhibit lower total-body fat mass (as a percent of body weight) than control mice; this is further accentuated after a 24 hr starvation
• liver lysosomes show no differences in their content of mature hydrolases (e.g. cathepsin D), enzymatic activities (e.g. total liver and lysosomal beta-hexosaminidase activities), or stability of their membranes relative to control lysosomes
• steady state levels of integral autophagosome components and autophagy receptors are normal in mutant livers
• most autophagic vacuoles in mutant livers are autophagolysosomes, and the autophagosome/autophagolysosome ratio is similar to that in control mice
• mice are unable to internalize and degrade select proteins by chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA)
• in vivo blockage of lysosomal proteolysis by i.p. injection of leupeptin revealed that GAPDH (a known CMA substrate) is no longer degraded in mutant liver lysosomes
• in contrast, lysosomal delivery and degradation of cytosolic proteins such as cyclophillin (a non-CMA substrate) is normal
• liver apoptosis is significantly increased, as shown by TUNEL analysis
• mutant livers display enhanced glucose uptake but reduced usage of glucose for glycogen synthesis