• by their second pregnancy, females mated with wild-type males die at term due to obstructed labor
reproductive system
• testis weight and male accessory organ morphology are normal
• no outer dense fibers are observed in testis samples
• some axonemes lack one central microtubule, resulting in a 9 + 1 arrangement
• however, most axonemes show the normal 9 + 2 arrangement
• no fibrous sheath and outer dense fibers are observed, consistent with the appearance of thin sperm flagella
• no fibrous sheath is observed in testis samples
• the few sperm collected from the cauda epididymis have short tails
• only a few sperm are recovered from the cauda epididymis
• the few sperm collected from the cauda epididymis show head defects, such as lack of head or irregular head shapes and absence of the typical hook-shaped appearance
• acrosome is detached in some elongating spermatids
• elongating spermatids exhibit reduced chromatin condensation and abnormal nucleus shapes
• sperm head is missing in some cases
• elongating spermatids exhibit an abnormally elongated manchette; the distance from the perinuclear ring to the caudal side of the head is longer than in wild-type cells
• the few sperm collected from the cauda epididymis are immotile
• in steps 11-12, elongating spermatids exhibit an abnormally elongated head shape
• sperm tails are absent in the seminiferous tubular lumen at stages VII-VIII
• TEM analysis of elongating spermatids revealed altered manchette structure, reduced chromatin condensation, and abnormal nucleus and acrosome shapes and tail morphology
• TEM analysis revealed that the manchette structure is disorganized or even absent in some cells
• transport of cargo proteins along the manchette microtubules is disrupted in elongating spermatids; both CFAP221 and IFT20 fail to localize to the manchette and their localization appears diffused in the cytoplasm
• spermatogenesis is arrested at the spermatid stage with major defects detected at stages XI-XII
• adult cauda epididymis only contains malformed or round cells and degenerated cell debris; no normal mature sperm are present in the lumen
• sexually mature males fail to sire any offspring after 2 months of continuous mating with wild-type females
• however, mating behavior is normal and vaginal plugs are formed in paired females
• no outer dense fibers are observed in testis samples
• some axonemes lack one central microtubule, resulting in a 9 + 1 arrangement
• however, most axonemes show the normal 9 + 2 arrangement
• no fibrous sheath and outer dense fibers are observed, consistent with the appearance of thin sperm flagella
• no fibrous sheath is observed in testis samples
• the few sperm collected from the cauda epididymis have short tails
• only a few sperm are recovered from the cauda epididymis
• the few sperm collected from the cauda epididymis show head defects, such as lack of head or irregular head shapes and absence of the typical hook-shaped appearance
• acrosome is detached in some elongating spermatids
• elongating spermatids exhibit reduced chromatin condensation and abnormal nucleus shapes
• sperm head is missing in some cases
• TEM analysis revealed that the manchette structure is disorganized or even absent in some cells
• elongating spermatids exhibit an abnormally elongated manchette; the distance from the perinuclear ring to the caudal side of the head is longer than in wild-type cells
• the few sperm collected from the cauda epididymis are immotile