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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, J E Visvader
Summary 2 genotypes
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involves: C57BL/6 * FVB/N MGI:5805279
involves: C57BL/6 * FVB/N MGI:5805280

involves: C57BL/6 * FVB/N
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Id4tm1Vdr mutation (0 available); any Id4 mutation (9 available)
Tg(MMTV-cre)1Mam mutation (1 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
endocrine/exocrine glands
• mammary glands from 4-week-old virgin mice display ductal elongation defects, as determined by the % of fat pad filled relative to control mice
• although ductal elongation is largely restored by 8 weeks of age, complex branching of the ducts is still lacking
• treatment with exogenous beta-estradiol at proestrus and estrus rescues the ductal elongation defects
• mammary glands from 6-week-old virgin mice show a significant increase in the % of estrogen receptor (ER)-alpha expressing (ERalpha+) and progesterone receptor expressing (PR+) luminal cells relative to those in control mice
• a significantly increased % of ERalpha+ ductal cells is found in the luminal progenitor subset (CD29loCD24+CD49b+) but not in the mature luminal subset (CD29loCD24+CD49b-)
• % of Foxa1 (forkhead box A1) expressing (FoxA1+) cells is significantly increased in the luminal progenitor subset relative to that in control mice
• expression of Ly6a (lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus A), an antigen linked to ER and PR expression, is also significantly increased in luminal progenitor cells
• treatment with exogenous beta-estradiol has no significant effect on the % of ERalpha+ ductal cells
• mammary glands from 6-week-old virgin mice show a significant increase in the % of ERalpha+ cells in the mammary stem (MaSC)/basal cell population (CD29hiCD24+) which normally lacks estrogen receptor (Esr1, ERalpha) and progesterone receptor (Pgr, PR) expression
• Foxa1 mRNA and protein levels are dramatically increased in MaSC/basal cells relative to those in control mice
• at estrus, mice display abnormally-shaped nodular ovaries that contain many large follicles in a loosely connected medulla
• 6-week-old virgin mice show a significant increase in maturing follicle numbers, consistent with an increase in Fshr (follicle stimulating hormone receptor) mRNA levels
• 6-week-old virgin mice show a significant increase in the number of secondary ovarian follicles per ovary relative to control mice
• 6-week-old virgin mice show a significant increase in the number of antral ovarian follicles per ovary relative to control mice
• 6-week-old virgin mice show a significant increase in the number of atretic (degenerating) ovarian follicles
• 6-week-old virgin mice show a significant increase in the number of secondary, antral and atretic (degenerating) ovarian follicles
• however, the total number of follicles per ovary is similar to that in control mice
• at estrus, the ovarian medulla appears loosely connected

reproductive system
• at estrus, mice display abnormally-shaped nodular ovaries that contain many large follicles in a loosely connected medulla
• 6-week-old virgin mice show a significant increase in maturing follicle numbers, consistent with an increase in Fshr (follicle stimulating hormone receptor) mRNA levels
• 6-week-old virgin mice show a significant increase in the number of secondary ovarian follicles per ovary relative to control mice
• 6-week-old virgin mice show a significant increase in the number of antral ovarian follicles per ovary relative to control mice
• 6-week-old virgin mice show a significant increase in the number of atretic (degenerating) ovarian follicles
• 6-week-old virgin mice show a significant increase in the number of secondary, antral and atretic (degenerating) ovarian follicles
• however, the total number of follicles per ovary is similar to that in control mice
• at estrus, the ovarian medulla appears loosely connected
• 6-week-old mice staged at either estrus or proestrus show a significant reduction in uterus wet weight relative to control mice
• treatment with exogenous beta-estradiol restores uterus wet weight to control values

• 6-week-old mice staged at either estrus or proestrus show a significant reduction in uterus wet weight relative to control mice, indicating reduced levels of circulating estrogen
• ovaries from 6-week-old virgin mice exhibit a significant reduction in the expression of key estradiol biosynthesis enzymes relative to control ovaries

• mammary glands from 4-week-old virgin mice display ductal elongation defects, as determined by the % of fat pad filled relative to control mice
• although ductal elongation is largely restored by 8 weeks of age, complex branching of the ducts is still lacking
• treatment with exogenous beta-estradiol at proestrus and estrus rescues the ductal elongation defects
• mammary glands from 6-week-old virgin mice show a significant increase in the % of estrogen receptor (ER)-alpha expressing (ERalpha+) and progesterone receptor expressing (PR+) luminal cells relative to those in control mice
• a significantly increased % of ERalpha+ ductal cells is found in the luminal progenitor subset (CD29loCD24+CD49b+) but not in the mature luminal subset (CD29loCD24+CD49b-)
• % of Foxa1 (forkhead box A1) expressing (FoxA1+) cells is significantly increased in the luminal progenitor subset relative to that in control mice
• expression of Ly6a (lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus A), an antigen linked to ER and PR expression, is also significantly increased in luminal progenitor cells
• treatment with exogenous beta-estradiol has no significant effect on the % of ERalpha+ ductal cells
• mammary glands from 6-week-old virgin mice show a significant increase in the % of ERalpha+ cells in the mammary stem (MaSC)/basal cell population (CD29hiCD24+) which normally lacks estrogen receptor (Esr1, ERalpha) and progesterone receptor (Pgr, PR) expression
• Foxa1 mRNA and protein levels are dramatically increased in MaSC/basal cells relative to those in control mice

involves: C57BL/6 * FVB/N
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Id4tm1Vdr mutation (0 available); any Id4 mutation (9 available)
Tg(MMTV-cre)1Mam mutation (1 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
endocrine/exocrine glands
• mammary glands from 4-week-old virgin mice display intermediate ductal elongation defects, as determined by the % of fat pad filled

• mammary glands from 4-week-old virgin mice display intermediate ductal elongation defects, as determined by the % of fat pad filled

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory