reproductive system
• increased accumulation of collagen fibers around blood vessels in affected ovaries
• at 4 to 14 months of age, ~30% of nulliparous females show dramatically enlarged, edematous ovaries with a significantly increased diameter
ovary cyst
• spontaneous ovarian cysts in 30% of females, suggesting increased vascular permeability
• large cystic follicles due to edema formation
• in some cases, abnormal accumulation of collagen fibers is seen in the basal lamina of ovarian capillaries although general organization of the capillaries is normal
• extensive disorganization of the myometrium and endometrium with highly edematous uterine glands, numerous areas with sparse cells (ASCs) throughout the uterus, and increased accumulation of collagen fibers around blood vessels
• ASCs show a reduction in blood vessel number consistent with the decrease in overall cell density
• only a few blood vessels are present in large ASCs, indicating that all stromal cells disappear
• highly edematous uterine glands in affected females
• at 4 to 14 months of age, ~30% of nulliparous females show an enlarged, edematous uterus with a significantly increased diameter
• dramatic accumulation of collagen fibers around blood vessels and capillaries within areas with sparse cells (ASCs)
cardiovascular system
• EM analysis of ovarian capillaries showed a slight but significant increase in the gap size between two adjacent endothelial cell membranes in endothelial cell junctions
• in few cases (<2%), some continuities between the lumen of the ovarian capillary and the basal lamina are observed
• edema formation and fibrosis around blood vessels in the uterus and ovaries of affected females, indicating increased sensitivity to vascular permeability
• increased basal capillary permeability in the skin of male mice, as quantified by spontaneous Evans Blue (EB) leakage
• increased VEGF-induced EB incorporation in the skin of male mice, as determined by a Miles assay
endocrine/exocrine glands
• highly edematous uterine glands in affected females
• increased accumulation of collagen fibers around blood vessels in affected ovaries
• at 4 to 14 months of age, ~30% of nulliparous females show dramatically enlarged, edematous ovaries with a significantly increased diameter
ovary cyst
• spontaneous ovarian cysts in 30% of females, suggesting increased vascular permeability
• large cystic follicles due to edema formation
• in some cases, abnormal accumulation of collagen fibers is seen in the basal lamina of ovarian capillaries although general organization of the capillaries is normal
• at 4 to 14 months of age, ~30% of nulliparous females show dramatically enlarged, edematous ovaries with a significantly increased diameter
ovary cyst
• spontaneous ovarian cysts in 30% of females, suggesting increased vascular permeability
• large cystic follicles due to edema formation