nervous system
• action potential (AP) depolarization is slowed during AP falling phase and times as compared to wild-type
• peak amplitude of evoked action potentials is reduced as compared to wild-type
• peak dV/dT measured in spontaneous action potentials is lower as compared to wild type
• 80% of chromaffin cells exhibit spontaneous firing as a brief burst of a single full AP followed by a lower-amplitude AP in contrast to very little burst firing in wild-type
• decreased action potential firing during constant current injection
• smaller, sustained current injection in chromaffin cells results in weaker firing in response to stronger levels of current as compared to wild type
• chromaffin cells from adrenal medullary slices do not exhibit inactivating Big Potassium (BK) channel currents in contrast to wild-type cells
• loading steps in chromaffin cells activate a non-inactivating outward current
• activated BK current peak in chromaffin cells exceeds wild-type