nervous system
• following repeated amygdala-kindling stimulation (once a day for 18 days), mice show a significant reduction in the number of afterdischarge spikes, duration of the afterdischarge period, freezing times, and transition among stages of seizure severity relative to wild-type controls on days 15-18; differences are most obvious on day 18
• on day 18, only 17% of mice exhibit tonic-clonic seizures versus 100% of wild-type controls, indicating protection against temporal lobe epilepsy
• in delay fear conditioning tests, mice show enhanced freezing during the auditory tone test, with a 2.2-fold increase in mean duration of freezing (%) for the 30-s period between 90 and 120 s and a 1.9-fold increase in total freezing times (%) relative to wild-type controls
• however, foot shock sensitivity, sensory processing, and freezing behaviors during the initial conditioning or contextual tests are normal
• in the tail suspension test, mice show a 1.1-fold decrease in the mean duration of total immobility (%) relative to wild-type controls, indicating decreased suspension despair
• in the forced swim test, mice show a 1.5-fold increase in the mean duration of total immobility (%) relative to wild-type controls, indicating increased swimming despair
• in the open-field test, mice enter the center of the arena less often than wild-type controls and fail to show an increase in the frequency of entry from the first to second trial, indicating poor acclimation to the center area
• however, total distance travelled during the three trials of 5-min test periods is normal
• mice show enhanced freezing during delay auditory fear conditioning
• mice fail to show siesta-like sleep between 00:00 and 04:00 hours, unlike wild-type controls
• mice show a 3.6-fold decrease in the mean duration of the REM period (%) relative to wild-type controls
• however, no differences are observed in awake or non-REM sleep periods
• following repeated amygdala-kindling stimulation (once a day for 18 days), mice show a significant reduction in the number of afterdischarge spikes, duration of the afterdischarge period, freezing times, and transition among stages of seizure severity relative to wild-type controls on days 15-18; differences are most obvious on day 18
• on day 18, only 17% of mice exhibit tonic-clonic seizures versus 100% of wild-type controls, indicating protection against temporal lobe epilepsy
• mice show a 2.2-fold reduction of brain Igf1 mRNA levels in the apical part of the cerebral cortex relative to wild-type controls
• mice show a 2.8-fold reduction of brain growth hormone (GH) mRNA levels in the apical part of the cerebral cortex relative to wild-type controls