• after 8 months of diethylnitrosamine (DEN) treatment, homozygotes show significantly higher serum alanine transaminase (ALT) activity than DEN-treated wild-type controls, indicating severe liver injury
• in culture, primary hepatocytes isolated from homozygous mice fail to clear [13C]acetaldehyde (ACE), a toxic intermediate product from ethanol metabolism, unlike wild-type controls
• homozygotes display slower ACE clearance after exposure to low-dose ethanol (2 g/kg) and fail to clear serum ACE after intermediate- (4 g/kg) or high-dose ethanol challenge (8 g/kg), unlike wild-type controls
• after 8 months of DEN treatment, homozygotes show a markedly greater number and larger volume of hepatocellular carcinomas than DEN-treated wild-type controls
• liver histology indicates more focal hepatic lesions while phospho-H2AX staining shows a substantially higher degree of DNA damage compared to DEN-treated wild-type controls
• after 4 g/kg ethanol challenge, homozygotes display a marked increase in behavioral scores including severe ataxia compared to wild-type controls
• after 8 g/kg ethanol challenge, homozygotes show severe behavioral abnormalities including loss of righting reflex compared to wild-type controls
• after acute ethanol challenge with 8 g/kg (lethal dose), but not 2 or 4 g/kg, homozygotes display a marked reduction in survival rate compared to similarly treated wild-type controls
• after chronic ethanol challenge with 4 g/kg ethanol for 6 weeks, homozygotes display markedly reduced survival starting at 2 weeks, unlike wild-type controls
• after chronic ethanol challenge with 4 g/kg ethanol for 6 weeks, homozygotes show a marked reduction in body weight compared to wild-type controls
• after chronic ethanol challenge with 4 g/kg ethanol for 6 weeks, homozygotes display increased hepatocyte apoptosis, as shown by histology and cleaved caspase 3 staining
• however, no inflammatory or necrotic changes are observed in the esophagus or stomach after chronic ethanol challenge
hematopoietic system
• after chronic ethanol challenge with 4 g/kg ethanol for 6 weeks, homozygotes show a severe reduction in white cell count compared to wild-type controls
liver/biliary system
• after chronic ethanol challenge with 4 g/kg ethanol for 6 weeks, homozygotes display increased hepatocyte apoptosis, as shown by histology and cleaved caspase 3 staining
• however, no inflammatory or necrotic changes are observed in the esophagus or stomach after chronic ethanol challenge
• after 8 months of DEN treatment, homozygotes show a markedly greater number and larger volume of hepatocellular carcinomas than DEN-treated wild-type controls
• liver histology indicates more focal hepatic lesions while phospho-H2AX staining shows a substantially higher degree of DNA damage compared to DEN-treated wild-type controls
• after 8 months of DEN treatment, homozygotes display accelerated development of hepatocellular carcinoma compared to DEN-treated wild-type controls
immune system
• after chronic ethanol challenge with 4 g/kg ethanol for 6 weeks, homozygotes show a severe reduction in white cell count compared to wild-type controls
• after chronic ethanol challenge with 4 g/kg ethanol for 6 weeks, homozygotes display hyperpigmentation of paw skin, unlike wild-type controls