• hyperclustering of chromocenters in neurons
• mice exhibit postmitotic cells with tail-like structures, indicative of defective chromosome segregation
• mitotic chromosomes are highly disorganized at prometaphase in 88.6% of cells
• hyperclustering of chromocenters (the nuclear structure that forms from the association of pericentric heterochromatin from several different chromosomes during interphase) in neurons
nervous system
• cerebral cortices are disorganized at E16.5 and no recognizable cortex is seen by E19.5
• cerebral cortices are extremely thin at E16.5
• Sox2+ neural stem cells largely disappear
• neurons in the cortical plate are reduced at E16.5
• Brn2+ upper-layer (later born) neurons are depleted more severly than the Tbr1+ deep-layer (early born) neurons
• neural stem cells cultures show cells with limited proliferation capacities as seen by decreased neurosphere formation and cell population sizes