• freezing behavior is reduced by 20% as compared to 50% in wild-type controls
• mice spend more time investigating novel object as compared to controls
• increased physical interaction with novel object as compared to controls
• increased startle responses at low sound intensities
• decreased rearing in response to ketamine (an NMDA antagonist) at 5 mg/kg dose as compared to wild-type
• increased rearing in response to ketamine (an NMDA antagonist) at 2.5 mg/kg dose as compared to wild-type
• increased preference for social novelty (new mouse) versus familiar mouse
nervous system
• reduction in spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents (sIPSCs) frequency measured in pyramidal neurons from Layer V of the prelimbic region of the prefrontal cortex
• however, amplitude and kinetics are not changed
• impaired prepulse inhibition as assessed by lack of startle response with increased sound intensities