immune system
• normal thymocyte, splenocyte, bone-marrow cell, and mesenteric lymphocyte development, as shown by flow cytometric analysis
• normal cytokine production following stimulation of thymocytes and splenocytes with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies
• expanded thymus cortex region with increased lymphocyte density
• significantly increased thymus to body weight ratio at 7 weeks of age
• significantly increased spleen to body weight ratio at 7 weeks of age
• increased lymphocytic density in the spleen white pulp region at 7 weeks of age
• reduced lymphocytic density in mesenteric lymph nodes at 7 weeks of age
• grossly enlarged (hypertrophic) mesenteric lymph nodes at 7 weeks of age
• hypertrophy of lymphoid organs at 7 weeks of age
hematopoietic system
• expanded thymus cortex region with increased lymphocyte density
• significantly increased thymus to body weight ratio at 7 weeks of age
• significantly increased spleen to body weight ratio at 7 weeks of age
• increased lymphocytic density in the spleen white pulp region at 7 weeks of age
endocrine/exocrine glands
• expanded thymus cortex region with increased lymphocyte density
• significantly increased thymus to body weight ratio at 7 weeks of age
• normal body weight at 7 weeks of age
• significantly increased spleen to body weight ratio at 7 weeks of age
cardiovascular system
• normal heart morphology and heart to body weight ratio at 7 weeks of age
nervous system
• normal brain to body weight ratio at 7 weeks of age
renal/urinary system
• normal kidney to body weight ratio at 7 weeks of age