• homozygotes die around E9.5
• homozygous embryos fail to bend
• homozygotes exhibit developmental arrest at E8.5
cardiovascular system
• E9.5 homozygotes display heart looping in the opposite direction
• most primary MEFs lack either one or both centrioles, whereas the vast majority of wild-type MEFs each contain two centrioles, as indicated by gamma-tubulin staining
• immunostaining for Cep164, 2700049A03Rik (Ta3), and Odf2 indicates that the missing centriole is the mother centriole; thus, the remaining single centriole is the daughter centriole
• primary MEFs derived from E9.5 mutant embryos lack cilia, as shown by the absence of staining for acetylated tubulin and Arl13b, two cilia markers