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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, David G Harrison
Summary 1 genotype
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Cybatm1Dgh/Cybatm1Dgh B6.Cg-Cybatm1Dgh MGI:5779409

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cybatm1Dgh mutation (0 available); any Cyba mutation (18 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• markedly reduced superoxide production in the subfornical organ (SFO) after 14 days of angiotensin II infusion in mutant mice that receive SFO-targeted intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of adenovirus expressing cre-recombinase (AdCre) relative to control mice, as detected by dihydroethidium fluorescence

cardiovascular system
• power spectral analysis of mean arterial pressure revealed that the power of low-frequency oscillations is not significantly increased after 14 days of angiotensin II infusion in AdCre-treated mice, unlike in control mice
• power spectral analysis of heart rate variability revealed that angiotensin II treatment fails to increase the low-frequency/high-frequency ratio in AdCre-treated mice, unlike in control mice
• reduced heart rate in AdCre-treated mice relative to control mice both before and during angiotensin II infusion
• only transient increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP) at days 1-4 of angiotensin II infusion followed by a return to normal values at days 5-13 in AdCre-treated mice, unlike the progressive increase in MAP induced by angiotensin II treatment in control mice
• blunted hypertensive response at 14 days of angiotensin II infusion in AdCre-treated mice relative to control mice (MAP = 97 +/- 15 versus 154 +/- 6 mm Hg, respectively)

nervous system
• markedly reduced superoxide production in the SFO after 14 days of angiotensin II infusion in AdCre-treated mice relative to control mice
• markedly attenuated sympathetic outflow after angiotensin II infusion in AdCre-treated mice relative to control mice

immune system
• reduced accumulation of activated CD69+ and CD44high T-cells in aortic tissue after angiotensin II treatment in AdCre-treated mice relative to control mice
• failure to show increased vascular inflammation after angiotensin II treatment in AdCre-treated mice relative to control mice, as shown by reduced accumulation of CD45+ and CD3+ cells and activated CD69+ and CD44high T-cells in aortic tissue

hematopoietic system
• reduced accumulation of activated CD69+ and CD44high T-cells in aortic tissue after angiotensin II treatment in AdCre-treated mice relative to control mice

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory