• in response to pentylenetetrazol (PTZ), spike counts increase faster and reach higher levels in mutants than in controls, indicating a lowered threshold for chemically induced seizures
• mice show age-dependent impairments in learning and memory in the Morris water maze
• at 4-6 months of age, mutants learn the task more poorly than controls but show no memory retention deficits in a probe trial 24 hours after the last training trial
• at 7-9 and 11-14 months of age, mutants do not differ from controls in task acquisition and memory retention testsat 7-9 and 11-14 months of age, mutants do not differ from controls in task acquisition and memory retention tests
• at 17-19 months, mutants show impaired learning, taking longer to reach the original platform location in the probe trial, do not cross the target location more often than equivalent locations in nontarget quadrants
• mice show impairments in nest building behavior at 10-14 months of age and old mice show a trend in the same direction
• however, mice show normal social interaction, normal exploratory behavior and no anxiety related behaviors
• adults weigh slightly less than controls
nervous system
• in response to pentylenetetrazol (PTZ), spike counts increase faster and reach higher levels in mutants than in controls, indicating a lowered threshold for chemically induced seizures
• cortical and hippocampal levels of human Tau fragments are lower than in mice expressing wild-type human MAPT
• accumulation of misfolded, nonfilamentous soluble tau in neurons
• however, dense neuronal tau inclusions are not seen in 8, 20, or 23 month old mutants
• mice treated with doxycycline for 2 months, starting at 6 months of age show suppression of tau accumulation in neurons
• mice at 20-23 months of age, but not at 4-6 months of age, show neuronal loss in dentate gyrus and CA3 but not in CA1
• astrocytosis in the brain by 4 months of age
• treatment with doxycycline for 2 months, starting at 6 months of age, reverses astocytosis
• EEGs in 4-9 month old mice indicated that at baseline, epileptiform spikes are more abundant than in controls
• mossy fiber synapse between dentate granule cells and CA3 pyramidal neurons exhibits a steeper slope of the input/output curve when fEPSPs are induced, indicating increased synaptic transmission strength at 4-8 months of age, with further increase in strength at 20 months
• paired-pulse ratio is lower at 20 months, but not a 4-8 months, of age indicating reduced paired-pulse facilitation
• however, mossy fiber long-term potentiation is unchanged at old age
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• mice survive into old age