• mice exhibit growth retardation
reproductive system
• bent midpiece
• a trend towards reduced sperm counts isolated from the epididymis
• abnormal acrosome formation
• enlarged Golgi are present in pachytene spermatocytes of stage II-III seminiferous tubules
• epididymis contains rare abnormal cells with large nuclei indicating that spermiogenesis is affected
• bent midpiece
• a trend towards reduced sperm counts isolated from the epididymis
• abnormal acrosome formation
• enlarged Golgi are present in pachytene spermatocytes of stage II-III seminiferous tubules
• increase in Golgi apparatus of germ cells with areas greater than 5 um2 in stage II-IV seminiferous tubules
• enlarged Golgi are present in pachytene spermatocytes of stage II-III seminiferous tubules
• primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts from embryos exhibit enlarged Golgi ribbons, with a 2-fold reduction in Golgi density