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Phenotypes associated with this allele
Allele Symbol
Allele Name
Allele ID
transgene insertion 18, Brian Popko
Summary 2 genotypes

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Tg(Plp1-Eif2ak3*)18Pop mutation (1 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice treated with a high dose of AP20187 daily starting at P10 exhibit severe tremoring starting around P14
• mice treated with AP20187 at P10 and then treatment stopped at P15 show loss of tremoring staring around P24 and survive
• however, mice treated with AP20187 daily starting on P28 do not show obvious tremors

• protein biosynthesis in the optic nerve from 18 day old mice treated with a high dose of AP20187 is suppressed, while a lose dose of AP20187 slightly, but significantly, decreases protein biosynthesis
• however, protein biosynthesis in the sciatic nerve is not altered in AP20187 treated mice
• protein biosynthesis in the optic nerve is suppressed in mice treated daily with AP20187 at 8 weeks for up to 3 weeks

• protein biosynthesis in the optic nerve from 18 day old mice treated with a high dose of AP20187 is suppressed, while a lose dose of AP20187 slightly, but significantly, decreases protein biosynthesis
• however, protein biosynthesis in the sciatic nerve is not altered in AP20187 treated mice
• protein biosynthesis in the optic nerve is suppressed in mice treated daily with AP20187 at 8 weeks for up to 3 weeks

• mice treated with a high dose of AP20187 daily starting at P10 die by P24
• however, mice treated with AP20187 daily starting on P28 survive for at least 2 weeks
• mice treated with AP20187 daily starting on P7 die within 5 days of start of treatment

nervous system
• size of the CNS white matter is slightly reduced in mice treated daily with AP20187 at 8 weeks for up to 3 weeks
• about 35% of oligodendrocytes in the CNS white matter of AP20187 treated mice exhibit a foamy morphology, with cells having abundant cytoplasm filled with circular, membranous structures and an oval nucleus with condensed chromatin
• a few foamy oligodendrocytes show characteristics of apoptosis, including highly condensed chromatin mass, nuclear fragmentation, and shrunken cytoplasm
• number of oligodendrocytes is moderately, but not significantly, reduced in the CNS white matter
• however, mice treated daily with AP20187 at 8 weeks for up to 3 weeks do no exhibit foamy oligodendrocytes in the CNS white matter
• diameter of axons in the CNS white matter is decreased in mice treated daily with AP20187 at 8 weeks for up to 3 weeks, however no effect on thickness of myelin sheaths is seen
• thickness of myelin sheaths is decreased in mice treated with AP20187 starting at P10
• degree of myelination in the CNS white matter, including the spinal cord, cerebellum, and corpus callosum, is decreased in AP20187 treated mice, indicating hypomyelination
• reduction in the percentage of myelinated axons in the white matter in 20 day old mice that began daily AP20187 treatment starting at P10
• G-ratio of myelinated axons in the CNS white matter is increased in mice treated with AP20187 starting at P10
• however, the myelination process in the peripheral nervous system is not affected in mice treated with AP20187
• treatment with AP20187 at 8 weeks of age for up to 3 weeks results in a slight reduction in the percentage of myelinated axons in the CNS white matter

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter DOID:0060868 OMIM:PS603896

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Tg(Plp1-Eif2ak3*)18Pop mutation (1 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• 7 week old females immunized with MOG35-55 peptide and injected with AP20187 10 days later develop milder experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) symptoms at the peak of disease compared to controls, with no mutants developing hind-limb paralysis and reduced myelin damage and axon loss and degeneration in lumbar spinal cord
• mice undergoing EAE and treated with AP20187 exhibit reduced number of apoptotic oligodendrocytes and Pdgfar+ OPCs in the lumbar spinal cord
• however, AP20187 treatment does not alter the degree of the inflammatory response in the CNS of mutant mice undergoing EAE compared to controls

nervous system
• mice injected intraperitoneally with AP20187 at 6 weeks of age daily for 4 weeks are indistinguishable from controls, with normal numbers of CC1+ oligodendrocytes, normal myelin and normal numbers of Pdgfar+ oligodendrocyte progenitor cells

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory