• opportunistic bacterial infection with gram-negative Pasteurella pneumotropica
• following treatment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic most mice survive
• about 80% of mice die before 4 weeks of age typically from bacterial infections
• following treatment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic most mice survive and those that survive past 5 weeks have normal lifespan
respiratory system
• extent of ciliation in the nasal respiratory epithelium is severely reduced
• absence of normal ciliation in the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles
• monociliated cells of the olfactory epithelium do not appear to be affected
• show severe inflammation in the nasal cavity
• increase in the fraction of proliferating cells
• increase in proliferating cells is inversely correlated with the decrease in ciliation
reproductive system
• strong reduction in the number of multicilia
• strong reduction of sperm counts in the epididymis
• atrophy of the tubules is seen starting at 5 weeks of age
• strong reduction in the number of multicilia
• increase in the fraction of proliferating cells in the epithelium
• increase in proliferating cells is inversely correlated with the decrease in ciliation
• 2.5 days after superovulation oocytes remain trapped in the bursa of the ovary
• 7 of 8 males were incapable of impregnating wild-type females
• fail to thrive
• following treatment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic most mice gain weight normally
nervous system
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• consistent with expression patterns cilia of the brain ventricles do not appear to be affected
renal/urinary system
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• consistent with expression patterns cilia of the kidney do not appear to be affected
• strong reduction in the number of multicilia
• extent of ciliation in the nasal respiratory epithelium is severely reduced
• absence of normal ciliation in the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles
• monociliated cells of the olfactory epithelium do not appear to be affected
• strong reduction of sperm counts in the epididymis
endocrine/exocrine glands
• atrophy of the tubules is seen starting at 5 weeks of age
immune system
• show severe inflammation in the nasal cavity
• opportunistic bacterial infection with gram-negative Pasteurella pneumotropica
• following treatment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic most mice survive