adipose tissue
• mice exhibit decreased fat mass levels at 6 and 12 weeks of age
• 16 week old mice exhibit severe depletion of total tibial bone marrow adipose tissue, resulting from loss of both constitutive bone marrow adipose tissue of the distal tibia and regulated bone marrow adipose tissue in the mid-to-proximal tibia
• however, caudal vertebrae constitutive bone marrow adipose tissue appears normal
• brown adipose tissues shows altered triglyceride accumulation, with numerous large droplets rather than the normal multilocular morphology
• brown adipose tissue shows only a modest reduction in total mass
• mice show a reduction in total number of infrapatellar fat pad adipocytes
• the residual epididymal white adipose tissue and subcutaneous white adipose tissue have a disorganized mixture of hypertrophic and smaller adipocytes
• mice exhibit only residual subcutaneous white adipose tissue
• mice exhibit only residual epididymal white adipose tissue
• marker analysis show increased expression of brown adipocyte markers suggesting that browing occurs in residual epididymal white adipose tissues
• mice exhibit early-onset generalized loss of adipose tissue
• mice are unable to expand adipose tissue stores in response to a high-fat diet challenge
• 14 week old mice are less active during the day than controls
• however, mice show normal activity levels during the night
• mice exhibit decreased fat mass levels at 6 and 12 weeks of age
• lean mass is increased at 6 and 12 weeks of age
• 8 week old mice fed a high-fat diet do not gain as much weight as controls and are unable to increase fat mass in response to the diet, with lean mass remaining elevated during high-fat diet feeding
• mice do not exhibit severe metabolic dysfunction, with normal food and water intake and normal energy expenditure and no differences in serum triglyceride, insulin or glucose levels in mice fasted for 5 hours, and no impairment of glucose tolerance
• 8 week old mice fed a high-fat diet do not gain as much weight as controls and are unable to increase fat mass in response to the diet, with lean mass remaining elevated during high-fat diet feeding
• mice exhibit decreased respiratory exchange ratio during the active phase, indicating an increased propensity towards lipid oxidation
• although mice exhibit elevated respiratory exchange ratio during a 9 hour fast, upon re-feeding, mice fail to increase their respiratory exchange ratio to the same level as controls, leading to lower mean values
• during a 9 hour fast, mice show elevated starting respiratory exchange ratio and their mean respiratory exchange ratio levels remain higher during much of the fasting period
• fasted mice exhibit decreased circulating adiponectin levels
• however, circulating leptin levels are normal
• brown adipose tissues shows altered triglyceride accumulation, with numerous large droplets rather than the normal multilocular morphology
• mice exhibit elevated liver triglyceride levels
• liver triglyceride levels are not further increased by a high-fat diet
• however, generalized organomegaly or hepatic steatosis are not seen
• mice exhibit only residual subcutaneous white adipose tissue
liver/biliary system
• mice exhibit elevated liver triglyceride levels
• liver triglyceride levels are not further increased by a high-fat diet
• however, generalized organomegaly or hepatic steatosis are not seen
• 16 week old mice exhibit severe depletion of total tibial bone marrow adipose tissue, resulting from loss of both constitutive bone marrow adipose tissue of the distal tibia and regulated bone marrow adipose tissue in the mid-to-proximal tibia
• however, caudal vertebrae constitutive bone marrow adipose tissue appears normal