• osteoblasts in calvarias are more active
• calvarial area and density are increased, mean bone volume and mean bone thickness are increased, and mean bone separation is decreased
• mean bone thickness is increased in calvaria
• many bones at P3 are more densely stained with Alizarin Red indicating increased bone density
• bone volume to tissue volume is increased in calvaria
• calvarial and femoral bones are developed to a greater extent than in wild-type mice at P3
• osteoblast surface per bone surface is increased in P3 calvaria but osteoblast number per bone perimeter is not altered indicting more active osteoblasts and increased bone development
• primary osteoblasts show increased differentiation in culture upon induction with BMP-2
• calvarial area and density are increased, mean bone volume and mean bone thickness are increased, and mean bone separation is decreased
• mean bone thickness is increased in calvaria
• primary osteoblasts show increased differentiation in culture upon induction with BMP-2
• osteoblasts in calvarias are more active