reproductive system
• female homozygotes are fertile; when mated with male heterozygotes, females produce healthy pups with an average litter size of 6.2
• fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) analysis using enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged histone H2B (eGFP-H2B) revealed that mutant growing oocytes exhibit a lower recovery rate and a significantly lower mobile fraction (MF, an index of histone mobility) than wild-type oocytes, indicating a less loosened chromatin structure
• fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) analysis using enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged histone H2B (eGFP-H2B) revealed that mutant growing oocytes exhibit a lower recovery rate and a significantly lower mobile fraction (MF, an index of histone mobility) than wild-type oocytes, indicating a less loosened chromatin structure