• number of homozygous mutant embryos recovered at E8.0 is normal but declines significantly after E14; most likely due to cardiac defects
• surviving homozygotes show a similar survival rate to wild-type controls (> 10 weeks)
nervous system
• although ependymal cilia show active motility, the flow velocity is slightly decreased likely due to a narrower range of effective stroke
• 35% of homozygotes exhibit hydrocephalus
• 16% of homozygotes exhibit both hydrocephalus and situs inversus
reproductive system
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• surprisingly, both males and females are fertile
• epididymal sperm show normal in vitro fertilization rate
• sperm flagella show normal ultrastructure
• average sperm curvilinear swimming velocity is significantly reduced most likely due to abnormal wave propagation
• sperm show transient arrest of pro-hook bend propagation
• when either or both parents are homozygotes, litter size is significantly lower than that from wild-type parents (1~2 versus 7~8, respectively)
• 49% of homozygotes exhibit situs inversus
• formation of 9+0 nodal cilia is severely disrupted
• at E7.5, longer microvilli are more prominent on the cell surface
• at E8.0, no cilia are detected in the central node region; however, significant numbers of cilia are observed in the peripheral region
• at E7.5, nodal cilia are completely absent in some cases
• at E7.5, nodal cilia are strikingly sparse (~5 cilia on average)
• at E7.5, the number of motile cilia on the node is less than 15% of that in wild-type controls
• nodal cilia generate a certain fluid flow that is random in direction and the flow velocity is significantly lower than that in wild-type controls
• nodal cilia move in an irregular, not rotary manner and often in planar trajectories, unlike wild-type cilia
• at E8.0, both Nodal and Lefty are expressed on both sides, unlike in wild-type embryos where both genes are expressed only in the left plate mesoderm
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• sperm flagella, trachea cilia and brain ependymal cilia exhibit normal ultrastructure with normal 9+2 axonemes and mostly intact outer dynein arm (ODAs)
• in rare cases a few ODAs are absent from some doublet microtubules
• formation of 9+0 nodal cilia is severely disrupted
• at E7.5, longer microvilli are more prominent on the cell surface
• at E8.0, no cilia are detected in the central node region; however, significant numbers of cilia are observed in the peripheral region
• at E7.5, nodal cilia are completely absent in some cases
• at E7.5, nodal cilia are strikingly sparse (~5 cilia on average)
• average sperm curvilinear swimming velocity is significantly reduced most likely due to abnormal wave propagation
• sperm show transient arrest of pro-hook bend propagation
• although ependymal cilia show active motility, the flow velocity is slightly decreased likely due to a narrower range of effective stroke
• at E7.5, the number of motile cilia on the node is less than 15% of that in wild-type controls
• nodal cilia generate a certain fluid flow that is random in direction and the flow velocity is significantly lower than that in wild-type controls
• nodal cilia move in an irregular, not rotary manner and often in planar trajectories, unlike wild-type cilia
• although tracheal cilia show active motility, the flow velocity is decreased to almost half that in wild-type controls
• the frequency of trachea ciliary beating is significantly reduced and the velocity of the recovery stroke is drastically slower than that in wild-type cilia
respiratory system
• although tracheal cilia show active motility, the flow velocity is decreased to almost half that in wild-type controls
• the frequency of trachea ciliary beating is significantly reduced and the velocity of the recovery stroke is drastically slower than that in wild-type cilia
cardiovascular system