• gap at midpiece-principal piece junction
• mitochondria concentration at end of sheath
• significantly shorter
• kinked at midpiece-principal piece junction in around 96% of sperm
• fewer spermatozoa in epididymis
• spermatozoa swim with heads facing backwards and with twisting tails
• reduced motility, amplitude of lateral head movement, beat-cross frequency, and average path, curvilinear and straight-line velocity
reproductive system
• normal overall testis morphology
• gap at midpiece-principal piece junction
• mitochondria concentration at end of sheath
• significantly shorter
• kinked at midpiece-principal piece junction in around 96% of sperm
• fewer spermatozoa in epididymis
• spermatozoa swim with heads facing backwards and with twisting tails
• reduced motility, amplitude of lateral head movement, beat-cross frequency, and average path, curvilinear and straight-line velocity
• when mated to wild-type females