• median lifespan of 40 days
• net volume and ratio of fat mass is lower
• adults (2 months of age) appear smaller, with decreased size beginning at 3 weeks after birth
• body weight of 2 month old males is about 35% lower than in controls
• skeletal muscle shows dilated endoplasmic reticulum lumen, reduced mitochondrial cristae density, and ruffled nucleus morphology
• reduction in muscle cross-sectional area of the soleus muscle
• increase in the prevalence of central nuclei in the myofibrils of the soleus muscle
• reduction in muscle mass
adipose tissue
• net volume and ratio of fat mass is lower
• cell volume of white adipose tissue is lower
• however, histology of brown adipose tissue is unaffected and lean mass is unaffected
• frequency of twitching is increased
• 50% reduction in grip strength
• mice show reductions in the frequencies of drinking, hanging, rearing and walking during the night indicating that mice are less active at night
• however, no differences in daytime activity are seen
cardiovascular system
• nuclear morphology of skeletal muscle becomes ruffled
• endoplasmic reticulum lumen in the myonuclei is dilated
• density of mitochondrial cristae is reduced is skeletal muscle
• marker analysis indicates elevated ER stress in skeletal muscle
• surface temperature of the eye and the trunk is lower indicating lower body temperature
• carbon dioxide production per unit activity is lower during the night
• whole-body consumption of oxygen is lower during the night
• the respiratory exchange ratio is increased during the day
• heat production is lower at night but not during the day