head tossing
• mice begin to show incessant head tossing at 3 months of age
• mice begin to show an unstable gait at 3 months of age
• mice begin to show hyperactivity at 3 months of age
• stereocilia appear twisted, flexed, and fused and flaccid and lack rigidity
• disorganization and degeneration of stereocilia bundles in residual hair cells
• inner hair cell hair bundles appear shrunken and twisted
• some inner hair cell bundles are fused into some big rods
• mice show progressive loss of hair cells in an apical to basal gradient across the basilar membrane, with minor degeneration at 3 weeks of age and severe hair loss at 9 weeks
• 73.3% of outer hair cells and 62.7% of inner hair cells are ablated in the basal turns, with moderate loss across middle and apical turns and all outer hair cells in cochlear middle and basal turns die off by 3 months of age
• outer hair cell degeneration is more severe than inner hair cell
• hair bundles atop vestibular hair cells degenerate, resulting in a decrease of stereocilia bundle density
• mice exhibit elevated ABR hearing thresholds at 3 weeks of age which progress irreversibly over time
nervous system
• stereocilia appear twisted, flexed, and fused and flaccid and lack rigidity
• disorganization and degeneration of stereocilia bundles in residual hair cells
• inner hair cell hair bundles appear shrunken and twisted
• some inner hair cell bundles are fused into some big rods
• mice show progressive loss of hair cells in an apical to basal gradient across the basilar membrane, with minor degeneration at 3 weeks of age and severe hair loss at 9 weeks
• 73.3% of outer hair cells and 62.7% of inner hair cells are ablated in the basal turns, with moderate loss across middle and apical turns and all outer hair cells in cochlear middle and basal turns die off by 3 months of age
• outer hair cell degeneration is more severe than inner hair cell
• hair bundles atop vestibular hair cells degenerate, resulting in a decrease of stereocilia bundle density