reproductive system
• mature males are fertile with a normal pregnancy rate and litter size; sperm motility is normal at both 4 and 12 months of age
• a decrease in the number of germ cells is first noted in a few seminiferous tubules at P14 and becomes obvious at P21
• by P35, Sertoli cellonly (SCO) tubules are observed in some of the affected tubules
• at P21, TRA98+ germ cells and SOX9+ Sertoli cells are present, whereas DDX4+ germ cells are completely or partially lost, suggesting that the lost germ cells in affected tubules are primarily spermatocytes
• number of TUNEL+ germ cells is significantly increased at P7, reaches a peak level at P14 and then drops at P21; by P35, number of TUNEL+ germ cells is reduced to basal levels seen in control mice
• at P14, TUNEL/DDX4 dual-staining suggests that apoptotic cells found in the lumen of seminiferous tubules are predominantly pachytene spermatocytes
• % of apoptotic TUNEL+ seminiferous tubules is significantly increased at P7 and P14, but not at P21 and P35
• at P35, Sertoli cell-only (SCO) tubules and abnormal lumen are observed; affected tubules are frequently located at the periphery of testes
• % of abnormal seminiferous tubules is significantly increased at P35 and P120 relative to controls, with 5-7% of tubules being affected
• at P120 and P365, most of the affected tubules exhibit an abnormal lumen
• at P120, the frequency of misplaced Sertoli cells away from the basal side of the tubule is significantly increased relative to controls
• however, the number of Sertoli cells is unaffected at P21, P35, and P120
small testis
• males show a significant (12%) reduction in tests size at P120
• testis weight and testis index (testis weight/body weight x 100) begin to diverge at P21; a gradual reduction in testis weight is observed from P21 to P56 when maximum testis weight is reached
• at P120, testis weight and testis index are, respectively, 12.35% and 8.20% lower than in control mice
• males show germ cell loss in the affected seminiferous tubules during the first and subsequent rounds of spermatogenesis
• epididymal sperm count is significantly reduced by 13% at 4 months, but not at 12 months of age
• at P21, TRA98+ germ cells and SOX9+ Sertoli cells are present, whereas DDX4+ germ cells are completely or partially lost, suggesting that the lost germ cells in abnormal tubules are primarily spermatocytes
• germ cell arrest at spermatogonia stage for other affected tubules in mature mice
endocrine/exocrine glands
• % of apoptotic TUNEL+ seminiferous tubules is significantly increased at P7 and P14, but not at P21 and P35
• at P35, Sertoli cell-only (SCO) tubules and abnormal lumen are observed; affected tubules are frequently located at the periphery of testes
• % of abnormal seminiferous tubules is significantly increased at P35 and P120 relative to controls, with 5-7% of tubules being affected
• at P120 and P365, most of the affected tubules exhibit an abnormal lumen
• at P120, the frequency of misplaced Sertoli cells away from the basal side of the tubule is significantly increased relative to controls
• however, the number of Sertoli cells is unaffected at P21, P35, and P120
small testis
• males show a significant (12%) reduction in tests size at P120
• testis weight and testis index (testis weight/body weight x 100) begin to diverge at P21; a gradual reduction in testis weight is observed from P21 to P56 when maximum testis weight is reached
• at P120, testis weight and testis index are, respectively, 12.35% and 8.20% lower than in control mice
• at P21, TRA98+ germ cells and SOX9+ Sertoli cells are present, whereas DDX4+ germ cells are completely or partially lost, suggesting that the lost germ cells in abnormal tubules are primarily spermatocytes
• a decrease in the number of germ cells is first noted in a few seminiferous tubules at P14 and becomes obvious at P21
• by P35, Sertoli cellonly (SCO) tubules are observed in some of the affected tubules
• at P21, TRA98+ germ cells and SOX9+ Sertoli cells are present, whereas DDX4+ germ cells are completely or partially lost, suggesting that the lost germ cells in affected tubules are primarily spermatocytes
• epididymal sperm count is significantly reduced by 13% at 4 months, but not at 12 months of age
• number of TUNEL+ germ cells is significantly increased at P7, reaches a peak level at P14 and then drops at P21; by P35, number of TUNEL+ germ cells is reduced to basal levels seen in control mice
• at P14, TUNEL/DDX4 dual-staining suggests that apoptotic cells found in the lumen of seminiferous tubules are predominantly pachytene spermatocytes
• % of apoptotic TUNEL+ seminiferous tubules is significantly increased at P7 and P14, but not at P21 and P35