• females, but not males, show more alterations in the spontaneous alterations test
• in the elevated plus maze, females spend more time in the open arms than wild-type mice
• however, alternation between arms is no different and mice do not differ in relative open arm entries
• females, but not males, show more entries into the center during the open field test and spend more time there indicating reduced anxiety-related behavior
• females, but not males, travel a longer distance than wild-type mice in the open field test
• however, mice show no differences in sociability, behavioral despair, and object relocation and recognition
nervous system
• females, but not males, exhibit higher minimal hippocampal fractional anisotrophy values
• fibers in the hippocampal medioventral CA are shorter and remain predominately within the hippocampal medioventral area instead of projecting towards the medial prefrontal cortex
• shorter mean fiber length and shorter maximal fiber length
• however, fiber numbers do not differ
• synaptic plasticity is impaired at Schaffer collateral CA1 synapses of both females and males
• after high-frequency stimulation, short-term potentiation is decreased in females and males
• however, no changes in basal excitability at Schaffer collateral CA1 synapses (no changes in input-output curves or paired-pulse facilitation) are seen
• the frequency of sEPSC is depressed in males
• sIPSC amplitudes are upregulated in females
• the frequencies of sIPSCs are downregulated in males
• the magnitude of hippocampal LTP is decreased in females and males
• the frequency of mEPSC, but not sEPSC, is depressed in females
• the frequency of mEPSC is depressed in males
• the mESPC decay time is prolonged in males but not females
• current decay of mIPSCs is slower in females, but not males
• mIPSC amplitudes are upregulated in females
• the frequencies of mIPSCs are downregulated in males