• decrease in longevity
• however, mice show increased longevity compared with Mecp2tm1.1Irsf hemizygous mice
• mice show progressive increase in phenotypic severity but delayed onset of severe phenotypes compared with Mecp2tm1.1Irsf hemizygous mice
• mice show decreased freezing in contextual and cued fear conditioning tasks indicating deficits in hippocampal- and amygdala-dependent learning
• mice show decreased freezing in contextual and cued fear conditioning tasks indicating deficits in hippocampal- and amygdala-dependent learning
• mice exhibit decreased motor learning on the rotarod
• mice show increased preference for the center zone of the arena, suggesting reduced anxiety
• mice exhibit impaired motor function in the accelerating rotating rod task
• mice show impaired motor dysfunction on the forepaw wire hanging task, falling sooner off the wire compared to wild-type mice
• mice exhibit abnormal gait patterns showing decreased hind paw stride length and decreased longitudinal deviation
• decrease in hind paw stride length
• mice are hypoactive with decreased distance traveled in the open field arena
• during handling, a subset of mice show absence seizure-like events
nervous system
• during handling, a subset of mice show absence seizure-like events
respiratory system
• mice show increased breathing irregularity
• mice show increased basal breathing rate
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
Rett syndrome | DOID:1206 |
OMIM:312750 OMIM:613454 |
J:296009 |