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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1c, Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen GmbH
Summary 1 genotype
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involves: 129S4/SvJaeSor * C57BL/6J * C57BL/6N MGI:6509613

involves: 129S4/SvJaeSor * C57BL/6J * C57BL/6N
Cell Lines HEPD0884_4_E12
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Med22tm1c(EUCOMM)Hmgu mutation (0 available); any Med22 mutation (13 available)
Tg(Nphs1-cre)#Seq mutation (0 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice start to die prematurely at 15 weeks and no mice survive past 20 weeks of age due to renal failure

• blood urea nitrogen levels are normal at 8 weeks of age but become significantly increased at 16 weeks of age
• although no significant albuminuria is detectable at 8 weeks of age, mice exhibit massive albuminuria at 12 weeks that further progresses by 16 weeks of age
• following induction of glomerulonephritis at 4 weeks of age using a nephrotoxic serum that binds to the GBM, mice exhibit no differences in albuminuria or BUN levels within 48 h after induction but develop significantly more sclerotic lesions and renal casts than littermate controls at 14 days post-induction, indicating increased susceptibility to kidney glomerular injury

renal/urinary system
• occasionally, podocytes show nuclear changes suggesting an apoptotic process
• although no significant albuminuria is detectable at 8 weeks of age, mice exhibit massive albuminuria at 12 weeks that further progresses by 16 weeks of age
• EM revealed significant foot process effacement at 8 weeks, but not at 4 weeks, of age
• at 16 weeks of age, areas of GBM are not covered by podocytes indicating podocyte loss
• immunofluorescence analysis revealed that podocyte markers nephrin, synaptopodin and WT1 show progressive loss of signal starting at 8 weeks with only few glomeruli exhibiting positivity by 16 weeks; quantification of WT1 nuclei confirmed podocyte loss at both 12 and 16 weeks
• EM revealed progressive vesicular lesions in podocytes; large vesicular structures are negative for lipids as shown by oil red staining
• vesicular structures are frequently seen in podocyte cytoplasm at 12 weeks of age; occasionally, vesicles obstruct podocyte nuclei
• vesicular membranes lack the electron-dense glycocalyx that is present on the podocyte plasma membrane
• vacuole-like structures show no connections to Bowmans space at 12-16 weeks of age
• immunofluorescence staining for vesicular markers revealed that lysosomal marker LAMP2 is strongly upregulated in podocytes at 12 weeks, but not at 8 weeks of age, as shown by double-labeling with WT1 and CD31; endocytosis marker caveolin is also upregulated in LAMP2-positive cells
• at 12 weeks of age, glomeruli exhibit focal segmental sclerosis and large empty vacuole-like structures in podocytes
• focal segmental sclerosis is observed at 12 weeks of age; most glomeruli are completely sclerotic by 16 weeks of age
• following induction of glomerulonephritis at 4 weeks of age using a nephrotoxic serum that binds to the GBM, mice develop significantly more sclerotic lesions than littermate controls at 14 days post-induction
• interstitial fibrosis is observed at 12 weeks of age
• renal tubular atrophy is observed at 16 weeks of age
• dilated renal tubules with hyaline casts are detected at 12 weeks of age, with more pronounced dilation seen by 16 weeks of age
• dilated renal tubules with hyaline casts are detected at 12 weeks of age, with more hyaline casts seen by 16 weeks of age
• following induction of glomerulonephritis at 4 weeks of age using a nephrotoxic serum that binds to the GBM, mice develop significantly more renal casts than littermate controls at 14 days post-induction
• all mice die by 20 weeks of age due to renal failure

• occasionally, podocytes show nuclear changes suggesting an apoptotic process

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory