cardiovascular system
• aortas have increased soluble and insoluble fibronectin
• mice subjected to femoral artery ligation (model of peripheral artery disease) show decreased restoration of limb perfusion, with reduced vessel area and smaller lumen size of arteries, indicating decreased arteriogenesis
• mice subjected to femoral artery ligation show decreased pericyte coverage of microvascular networks, indicating decreased angiogenesis
• 2 weeks after femoral artery ligation, fibronectin is increased in the intima, but not the media, of lower extremity arteries
• primary endothelial cells exhibit increased F-actin stress fibers, increased cell-matrix adhesions, and increased cell spreading
• adherens junctions are reduced in confluent endothelial cells
• the ratio of insoluble/soluble fibronectin is decreased in aortic endothelial cells and turnover of fibronectin is decreased, indicating decreased maturation of fibronectin matrix
• primary endothelial cells coated on microbeads embedded in fibrin gel give rise to tree-like structures with broken branches and isolated cells unlike control cells, indicating altered cell adhesion
• primary endothelial cells coated on microbeads embedded in fibrin gel give rise to tree-like structures with broken branches and isolated cells unlike control cells, indicating altered cell adhesion