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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Xiaodong Wang
Summary 2 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Csnk1g2em1Xidw/Csnk1g2em1Xidw Not Specified MGI:6693621
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6NCrl MGI:6693623

Not Specified
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Csnk1g2em1Xidw mutation (0 available); any Csnk1g2 mutation (37 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• although mice apperar normal, they die within 18 hr after a single i.p. injection of murine TNF (300 ug/kg), about 6 hours faster than TNF-treated wild-type controls
• males exhibit a significantly enhanced necroptosis response and premature aging of their testis relative to wild-type males
• although all young males are able to produce progeny at 2 months of age, only 1 of 12 males was able to produce pups at 12 months of age versus 10 of 12 of wild-type males
• all signs of premature male reproductive system aging are restored when mice are fed a RIPK1 kinase inhibitor (RIPA-56)-containing diet and all (10 of 10) mice fed with RIPA-56 were able to produce pups when paired with young (10-week-old) female partners at 12 months of age

• male whole body weight is normal at 2 months of age but significantly higher than that in age-matched wild-type controls at 12 months of age (45 g versus 37 g, respectively)
• feeding 2-month old mice with a RIPA-56-containing diet for 10 months restores body weight to wild-type values at 12 months of age

reproductive system
• at 12 months of age, seminal vesicle weight is ~1 g, a 10-fold increase from when mice are 2 months old, and ~2-fold higher than that in 12-month old wild-type controls
• feeding 2-month old mice with a RIPA-56-containing diet for 10 months restores seminal vesicle weight to wild-type values at 12 months of age
• at 12 months of age, ~31% of seminiferous tubules appear empty relative to only ~2% empty tubules seen in age-matched wild-type controls
• at 12 months, the number of phospho-Serine345-MLK (phosho-MLKL)-positive cells per field of view is significantly higher than that in wild-type tubules, indicating increased necroptosis activation
• feeding 2-month old mice with a RIPA-56-containing diet for 10 months drops the % of empty tubules to 4% while the necroptosis activation marker phosho-MLKL is reduced to almost non-detectable levels
• at 12 months of age, testis size is significantly smaller than that in age-matched wild-type controls
• at 12 months of age, testis weight is significantly lower than that in age-matched wild-type controls
• feeding 2-month old mice with a RIPA-56-containing diet for 10 months restores testis weight to wild-type values at 12 months of age
• males exhibit a significantly enhanced necroptosis response and premature aging of their testis relative to wild-type males
• although all young males are able to produce progeny at 2 months of age, only 1 of 12 males was able to produce pups at 12 months of age versus 10 of 12 of wild-type males
• all signs of premature male reproductive system aging are restored when mice are fed a RIPK1 kinase inhibitor (RIPA-56)-containing diet and all (10 of 10) mice fed with RIPA-56 were able to produce pups when paired with young (10-week-old) female partners at 12 months of age

• at 12 months of age, serum testosterone levels are significantly lower than those in age-matched wild-type controls
• feeding 2-month old mice with a RIPA-56-containing diet for 10 months restores serum testosterone levels to levels seen in young mice at 3 months of age
• at 12 months of age, serum FSH levels are significantly higher than those in age-matched wild-type controls
• feeding 2-month old mice with a RIPA-56-containing diet for 10 months mitigates serum FSH levels to levels seen in young mice at 3 months of age
• at 12 months of age, serum LH levels are significantly higher than those in age-matched wild-type controls
• feeding 2-month old mice with a RIPA-56-containing diet for 10 months mitigates serum LH levels to levels seen in young mice at 3 months of age
• at 12 months of age, serum sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels are significantly higher than those in age-matched wild-type controls
• feeding 2-month old mice with a RIPA-56-containing diet for 10 months mitigates serum SHBG levels to levels seen in young mice at 3 months of age
• mice exhibit accelerated TNF-induced systematic sepsis and lethality relative to TNF-treated wild-type controls

• bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) show enhanced cell death when treated with necroptosis-inducing agents, including T/S/Z (a combination of TNF, a Smac mimetic, and a pan-caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-fmk), TRAIL/S/Z (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand plus a Smac mimetic and z-VAD), or LPS/S/Z (LPS plus a Smac mimetic and z-VAD), relative to wild-type BMDMs
• primary testis cells isolated from the seminiferous tubules of 2-month old mice show significantly more cell death when treated with necroptosis stimuli T/S/Z than wild-type testis cells

endocrine/exocrine glands
• at 12 months of age, seminal vesicle weight is ~1 g, a 10-fold increase from when mice are 2 months old, and ~2-fold higher than that in 12-month old wild-type controls
• feeding 2-month old mice with a RIPA-56-containing diet for 10 months restores seminal vesicle weight to wild-type values at 12 months of age
• at 12 months of age, ~31% of seminiferous tubules appear empty relative to only ~2% empty tubules seen in age-matched wild-type controls
• at 12 months, the number of phospho-Serine345-MLK (phosho-MLKL)-positive cells per field of view is significantly higher than that in wild-type tubules, indicating increased necroptosis activation
• feeding 2-month old mice with a RIPA-56-containing diet for 10 months drops the % of empty tubules to 4% while the necroptosis activation marker phosho-MLKL is reduced to almost non-detectable levels
• at 12 months of age, testis size is significantly smaller than that in age-matched wild-type controls
• at 12 months of age, testis weight is significantly lower than that in age-matched wild-type controls
• feeding 2-month old mice with a RIPA-56-containing diet for 10 months restores testis weight to wild-type values at 12 months of age

involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6NCrl
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Csnk1g2em1Xidw mutation (0 available); any Csnk1g2 mutation (37 available)
Ripk3tm1Xidw mutation (0 available); any Ripk3 mutation (34 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
reproductive system
• double mutant males show significant rescue of the accelerated male reproductive system aging phenotype seen in single Csnk1g2em1Xidw male homozygotes at 12 months of age
• all physical signs of premature aging, including body weight gain, increase in seminal vesicle weight and decrease in testis weight, are mitigated, the % of empty seminiferous tubules drops to 2% while the necroptosis activation marker phosho-MLKL is reduced to almost non-detectable levels
• 9 of 10 double mutant males were able to produce pups when paired with young (10-week-old) female partners, indicating that male reproductive capacity is largely restored

• double mutant males show significant rescue of the hormonal changes seen in single Csnk1g2em1Xidw male homozygotes at 12 months of age; all changes in testosterone, SHBG, FSH and LH are mitigated, with serum levels approximating those seen in young mice at 3 months of age

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory