reproductive system
• after induction of ovulation with PMSG plus hCG, none of the cells harvested from the oviducts have polar bodies, and all cells are arrested in Metaphase I (Met I) indicating a failure to complete meiosis I (MI)
• in vitro, prophase I-arrested oocytes fail to undergo polar body extrusion after maturation; however, the % of oocytes that resume meiosis and undergo nuclear envelope breakdown in vitro is normal
• exogenous AURKA-EGFP expression rescues nearly all oocytes, restoring their ability to extrude polar bodies and reach Metaphase of meiosis II (Met II); in contrast, ectopic expression of AURKB-EGFP or AURKC-EYFP fails to rescue MI failure and none of these oocytes extrude a polar body
• in vitro, oocytes exhibit a delay in resolving individual chromosomes during meiotic maturation and show defects in MI spindle building, with inability to fragment aMTOCs (acentriolar multiple microtubule-organizing centers) upon exiting from prophase I and loss of localized TACC3 protein (a known AURKA substrate required for spindle building)
• 55% of oocytes show monopolar spindles while ~45% have short bipolar spindles with significantly reduced spindle length and volume at Met I
• exogenous expression of AURKA rescues MI spindle volume and restores chromosome resolution to wild-type like kinetics, resulting in stable, bipolar MI spindle formation; in contrast, expression of AURKB-EGFP fails to rescue all of these parameters whereas AURKC-EYFP partially rescues the time to spindle bipolarization
• at 2 months of age, ovaries contain about half the number of corpora lutea (CL) observed in wild-type ovaries
• however, follicle development and ovulation are normal, and no statistically significant reduction in CL number seen at 6 months of age
• sexually mature females mated with age-matched wild-type male mice of proven fertility never produced a pup during a 4-month fertility trial
endocrine/exocrine glands
• at 2 months of age, ovaries contain about half the number of corpora lutea (CL) observed in wild-type ovaries
• however, follicle development and ovulation are normal, and no statistically significant reduction in CL number seen at 6 months of age
• after induction of ovulation with PMSG plus hCG, none of the cells harvested from the oviducts have polar bodies, and all cells are arrested in Metaphase I (Met I) indicating a failure to complete meiosis I (MI)
• in vitro, prophase I-arrested oocytes fail to undergo polar body extrusion after maturation; however, the % of oocytes that resume meiosis and undergo nuclear envelope breakdown in vitro is normal
• exogenous AURKA-EGFP expression rescues nearly all oocytes, restoring their ability to extrude polar bodies and reach Metaphase of meiosis II (Met II); in contrast, ectopic expression of AURKB-EGFP or AURKC-EYFP fails to rescue MI failure and none of these oocytes extrude a polar body
• in vitro, oocytes exhibit a delay in resolving individual chromosomes during meiotic maturation and show defects in MI spindle building, with inability to fragment aMTOCs (acentriolar multiple microtubule-organizing centers) upon exiting from prophase I and loss of localized TACC3 protein (a known AURKA substrate required for spindle building)
• 55% of oocytes show monopolar spindles while ~45% have short bipolar spindles with significantly reduced spindle length and volume at Met I
• exogenous expression of AURKA rescues MI spindle volume and restores chromosome resolution to wild-type like kinetics, resulting in stable, bipolar MI spindle formation; in contrast, expression of AURKB-EGFP fails to rescue all of these parameters whereas AURKC-EYFP partially rescues the time to spindle bipolarization