• by inspection of transmission electron micrographs, the arrangement of mitochondria in the midpiece of spermatozoa was disturbed
• Morphological and histological examination of the testes of WT and heterozygous mice showed no gross differences.
• Sperm motility (A + B) was significantly lower.
• The serum FSH and LH levels of Tsga10+/ male mice were similar.
• The acrosome reaction occurred normally in the heterozygous.
reproductive system
• by inspection of transmission electron micrographs, the arrangement of mitochondria in the midpiece of spermatozoa was disturbed
• Morphological and histological examination of the testes of WT and heterozygous mice showed no gross differences.
• Sperm motility (A + B) was significantly lower.
• The serum FSH and LH levels of Tsga10+/ male mice were similar.
• The acrosome reaction occurred normally in the heterozygous.
• the number of spermatozoa obtained from the Tsga10+/ mice was substantially lower than that obtained from the wild types
• There was no significant difference between Tsga10+/+ and Tsga10+/ mice in the sperm number from cauda epididymides
• The heterozygous males, when mated with WT or Tsga10+/ females, never produced any pups within the observation period (2-6 months of cohabitation).
• Tsga10+/ female mice produced offspring at a similar rate to that of WT female mice when mated with WT males.
• The spermatozoa from the heterozyogous male also appeared to have a reduced capacity to fertilize wild-type oocytes in vitro