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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1d, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Summary 1 genotype
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Anks6tm1d(KOMP)Wtsi/Anks6tm1d(KOMP)Wtsi involves: C3H * C57BL/6 * C57BL/6N * FVB/N MGI:6727374

involves: C3H * C57BL/6 * C57BL/6N * FVB/N
Cell Lines EPD0109_5_E04
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Anks6tm1d(KOMP)Wtsi mutation (0 available); any Anks6 mutation (84 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• no pups survive beyond P0; newborns are either stillborn or die within hours after birth

liver/biliary system
• only cells lining the portal side of the bile duct have primary cilia in E18.5 liver unlike in wild-type livers in which primary cilia are on the apical surface of every biliary epithelial cell
• mutant biliary epithelium shows fewer ciliated cholangiocytes
• cilia are shorter, have bulbous formations, or appear duplicated and have abnormal kinks at the proximal portion of the cilium
• distortions in cilia localize to the first third of the cilium, where the inversin compartment is located
• the biliary epithelium appears low cuboidal and flattened in E18.5 livers in the central and peripheral regions instead of the characteristic columnar epithelium
• mutant bile ducts are lined by a poorly differentiated epithelium at E18.5
• mutant bile ducts appear dilated at E18.5
• marker analysis indicates defective bile duct morphogenesis in the liver and defective cholangiocyte differentiation
• the portal tracts in livers remain undifferentiated and incompletely remodeled at birth, consisting of multiple undifferentiated and atrophic bile ducts per portal vein
• mutants show a lack of establishment of apical polarity in the parenchymal side of the biliary epithelium in livers
• ductal plate remodeling defects in the liver characterized by bile duct morphogenesis defects and maintenance of multiple undifferentiated bile ducts per portal vein
• the peribiliary mesenchyme is absent in E18.5 livers
• portal areas in livers show a spectrum of degenerative phenotypes, including collapsed bile ducts surrounding an obliterated portal vein, or enlarged heavily fibrotic portal areas
• the portal mesenchyme is reduced in E18.5 livers
• liver appears reduced in size in E18.5 mutants
• necrotic areas are frequently seen in the periphery of the liver at E18.5
• mutants develop periportal liver fibrosis by E18.5

cardiovascular system
• all mice show a range of complex congenital heart defects, including atrioventricular septal defects, ventricular hypertrophy and overriding aorta
• ventricular hypertrophy

endocrine/exocrine glands
• only cells lining the portal side of the bile duct have primary cilia in E18.5 liver unlike in wild-type livers in which primary cilia are on the apical surface of every biliary epithelial cell
• mutant biliary epithelium shows fewer ciliated cholangiocytes
• cilia are shorter, have bulbous formations, or appear duplicated and have abnormal kinks at the proximal portion of the cilium
• distortions in cilia localize to the first third of the cilium, where the inversin compartment is located
• marker analysis indicates defective bile duct morphogenesis in the liver and defective cholangiocyte differentiation
• the portal tracts in livers remain undifferentiated and incompletely remodeled at birth, consisting of multiple undifferentiated and atrophic bile ducts per portal vein
• mutants show a lack of establishment of apical polarity in the parenchymal side of the biliary epithelium in livers
• ductal plate remodeling defects in the liver characterized by bile duct morphogenesis defects and maintenance of multiple undifferentiated bile ducts per portal vein
• the peribiliary mesenchyme is absent in E18.5 livers
• the biliary epithelium appears low cuboidal and flattened in E18.5 livers in the central and peripheral regions instead of the characteristic columnar epithelium
• mutant bile ducts are lined by a poorly differentiated epithelium at E18.5
• mutant bile ducts appear dilated at E18.5

• P0 pups show the formation of glomerular cysts in the kidneys
• 90% of E18.5 fetuses exhibit heterotaxia and situs inversus with the apex of the heart and the stomach rotated to the right side of the body
• 66% show abdominal situs inversus
• 28% show right isomerism of lung
• 52% exhibit situs ambiguus or heterotaxia
• 38% exhibit situs inversus

renal/urinary system
• P0 pups show the formation of glomerular cysts in the kidneys

respiratory system
• 28% show right isomerism of lung

• only cells lining the portal side of the bile duct have primary cilia in E18.5 liver unlike in wild-type livers in which primary cilia are on the apical surface of every biliary epithelial cell
• mutant biliary epithelium shows fewer ciliated cholangiocytes
• cilia are shorter, have bulbous formations, or appear duplicated and have abnormal kinks at the proximal portion of the cilium
• distortions in cilia localize to the first third of the cilium, where the inversin compartment is located

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory