• incomplete penetrance, with overt circling and head tilting found in only approximately 45% of homozygotes
nervous system
• there are many architectural abnormalities of the inner ear, including the dimension or absence of the boney interscalar septum between the lower cochlear basal and apical turn, and the cochlear outer hair cells of the basal turn are almost entirely absent, although inner hair cells are less impacted as assessed at E15.5 and birth
• Variable dilation of the membranous labyrinth at E15.5 and birth, including enlarged endolymphatic duct, utricle, saccule, and cochlear duct, but not the endolymphatic sac
• highly atrophic at the basal turn where there is near absence of outer hair cells, but reasonably normal inner hair cells
• assessed at birth, can be absent, displaced or near normal
• variable deficiencies of otoconia in both the saccule and utricle
• cochlear fluid spaces are laterally expanded with several anatomical components displaced including the organ of Corti and Reissner's membrane
• generally significantly increased endolymph calcium levels, but this varies widely between individual homozygotes
• decreased to under 20 mV in approximately half of the homozygotes, but very variable in the population of homozygotes
• between 5-12 weeks of age the average increase in ABR threshold is 40-50 dB, this is variable and not fully penetrant, but those mice displaying a vestibular phenotype usually have elevated ABR thresholds, and the hearing loss does not progress with age from 1 to 6 months of age
• significantly decreased DPOAE